PM for scaling up ties with China

NEW DELHI, Sept 16: Preparing to receive President Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said India seeks progress on its “concerns” while underlining the need for China showing “sensitivity” and following the principle of mutual and equal security to realise full potential of the ties.
Resolving to scale up ties with China, Modi said he was looking forward for closer developmental partnership with the neighbouring country but at the same time was seeking progress on “issues of concern” because their resolution will transform the atmosphere in the relations.
“For enhancing and further strengthening bilateral relations, we should show mutual sensitivity to each other’s concerns and aspirations, follow the principle of mutual and equal security, seek closer developmental partnership and enhance people-to-people exchanges to create better understanding.”
His remarks came amid local authorities in Leh saying Chinese civilians in Government vehicles have entered Indian territory in Demchok in Ladakh and are preventing locals from working on an irrigation project there. The contentious boundary dispute will be among the issues to be discussed by Modi and Xi.
“I am looking forward to deepening our engagement across the full spectrum of our bilateral relations, but also seeking progress on issues of concern, because resolution of these issues will transform the atmosphere in our relations and allow us to realise the full potential of our relations,” the Prime Minister said.
Seeking greater engagement in diverse areas between the two countries, Modi said, “China is important for the future of this region and the world.”
Noting that his Government attaches high priority to relations with China, Modi said he would like to give a new terminology to tomorrow’s meeting with the Chinese President.
“I call it ‘Inch towards Miles’. INCH that is ‘India-China’; towards MILES that is- ‘Millennium of Exceptional Synergy,'” Modi, known for coming up with catchy slogans and phrases, told a group of Chinese journalists.
He said simultaneous transformation of our two countries, on a scale and at a speed that probably is unprecedented in history, provides enormous opportunities for our two countries to reinforce each other’s growth and, at the same time, sustain Asia’s economic resurgence.
“We can do this by further strengthening our strategic communication; enhancing mutual trust and confidence; showing sensitivity to each other’s concerns and interests; continuing to maintain a climate of peace, stability and tranquility in our relations; and, seizing the opportunities for bilateral cooperation and international partnership,” Modi said.
Xi is arriving in Ahmedabad tomorrow on a three-day visit during which the Chinese President is likely to announce investments to the tune of billions of dollars in India’s infrastructure sector.
Modi observed that the centre of economic gravity was shifting towards Asia and closer cooperation between the two countries will transformation the lives of 2.5 billion people which be a “phenomenon of great significance” for the region and the world.
Asked to comment on the New Silk Route initiative of China, he said successful revival of the ancient trade routes require not only physical connectivity and requisite infrastructure, but also climate of peace, stability, mutual trust and respect, support for mutual prosperity and free flow of commerce and ideas.
“I believe that the re-emergence of the natural trading routes would make a major contribution to building a prosperous Asia in this century,” he said.
Referring to the large population base of India and China, Modi said that when India and China gain, almost 35 per cent of the world’s population benefits.
“Arithmetically, if 35 per cent of the world’s population was to work together and to improve the economic conditions of its people through poverty alleviation method, then not only will 35 per cent of the world’s population grow enormously, but this will also lift very speedily the rest 65 per cent of the world’s population,” he said.
The Prime Minister said the “arithmetic and chemistry” of relations between the two countries convinced him that together both can “script history” and create a better tomorrow for all of mankind.
“I am also committed to realising India’s full potential as also the promise of our international partnerships through appropriate policies and timely implementation of our national and international commitments. I want to create an enabling environment in India that unleashes the enterprise and energy of our people,” he said.
Favouring closer developmental partnership between the two countries, Modi said India can benefit from China’s strength in hardware such as creation of infrastructure and development of our manufacturing sector.
“These are the areas where India wants to make rapid progress. On the other hand, India’s strength in software can help Chinese companies to become more efficient and competitive. It offers opportunity for Indian companies to export services to China.”
The Prime Minister said with joint efforts, India and China can strengthen the economic partnership, enhance tourism to increase people-to-people contacts and benefit from a stronger regional and international partnership.
Observing that the world’s two most populous countries and the two largest emerging economies must join hands, Modi said, “My Government also attaches high priority to relations with China. China is our largest neighbour. Relations between neighbours are always of special importance to each country, because their destinies are inter-linked.
“That is why I have also placed special emphasis on India’s neighbourhood. But, I don’t see our relations with China only as a neighbour, with which we have had millennia old contacts. China is important for the future of this region and the world.”
Asked whether Xi was invited to visit Gujarat’s capital Ahmedabad as it is his home State, Modi said it was his effort that when foreign leaders visit India, they should also have opportunity to see places other than New Delhi.
He said Chinese leaders had expressed interest in visiting Gujarat as they wish to understand the “Gujarat Model” of economic and social development.
“It will give them a fuller idea of India and its diversity. Relations between nations, especially large ones like India and China, should not be placed in the narrow confines of capital cities and major metropolitan centres. China’s connection with Gujarat is very old.
“In ancient days, there were vibrant trade relations between Gujarat and China. Chinese Monk Xuan Zang had spent a long time in Gujarat. In present day, many Chinese businesses have established manufacturing units in Gujarat and vice versa,” he said.
Modi said Xuan who came to India from China in 600 AD went stayed in the village in Gujarat where he belongs to.
“The state in China from where the Honorable Chinese President comes from, there is a small town in that state and with that town, the people of Gujarat have had old relations,” he said.
The Prime Minister, who has already gone to Ahmedabad, will welcome Xi, accompanied by high-powered delegation, at a hotel in the city tomorrow, which will be his 64th birthday.
Xi will visit the famous Sabarmati Ashram and will spend some time along with Modi, who will host a private dinner for the Chinese President at the Sabarmati riverfront. Xi will leave for New Delhi after the dinner. (PTI)