Cleanliness drives, awareness camps mark beginning of “Swachh Bharat” campaign

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 25: Cleanl-iness drives and awareness camps marked the beginning of “Swachh Bharat” campaign to realize Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of ‘Clean India’ by October 2, 2019 on the call given by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
University of Jammu today launched the “Swachh Jammu University Abhiyan”. Speaking on the occasion, Prof Mohan Paul Singh Ishar, Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu said that the mission of this campaign is to make collective and sustained effort to clean our homes, workplaces, streets, roads, mohallas, schools, colleges, Universities and all other public places within our purview and keep them clean for all times to come. He called for generating awareness about developing clean habits and keeping our surroundings neat and clean. For this purpose he stressed upon making optimum use of the facilities created for ensuring clean surroundings. Earlier Dr Renu Nanda, Convener, Swachh Jammu University Abhiyan presented welcome address, while as in the end, Prof Pankaj K Srivastava, Dean Students Welfare, presented formal vote of thanks.
KC International School launched the Clean School, Clean India Campaign. The campaign was inaugurated by the Principal Dr Ravi Bhushan in the special assembly. The students stressed upon cleanliness and its importance. An awareness camp was also launched among the students wherein they were told and educated about not to litter the school campus, classrooms and how to maintain proper cleanliness and hygiene. The students recited a poem on cleanliness and personal hygiene. Later, Principal, teachers and students participated in cleaning drive.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Jammu Region today launched cleanliness drive ‘Swachh Karyalaya Abhiyaan’ at its office in Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. The launch of the drive took off with the cleaning of the ground area in the campus by AVLJ Rao, Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Regional Office, Jammu. AS Gill and DR Meena, Assistant Commissioners and the staff of the office accompanied him in this campaign.
A special cleaning drive has been started by the senior officers of the Ministry of Defence under Swachh Bharat Campaign in order to encourage all fellow employees to ensure highest degree of cleanliness and hygiene at workplace. In the first phase officers upto the level of Deputy Secretary/Directors started the cleanliness campaign with brooms and dusters in their hands cleaning corridors and rooms of Sena Bhawan, here today. Some officers were also seen cleaning the office premises and tables with the help of different cleaning agents. Later, Deputy Secretary (General) addressed a seminar organised on the issue of importance of ‘cleanliness and sanitation’ where a large number of employees gathered to discuss the innovative ideas to achieve the dream of Gandhiji’s ‘Clean India’.