Fight against corruption

Fight against corruption

The dismissal of a KAS Officer for his involvement in an embezzlement case, and attachment of property worth one crore of another Government employee involved in other case shows Government’s determination to fight against Corruption in the State. It is also reported that 100 more Government officers are under scanner.

If the Government takes a tough stand against people involved in corrupt practices, it will lode very well for the State. The people in the State rather country are very much fed of corruption. It has almost derailed the smooth functioning of administrative set up in the State. Nepotism favoritism are its other manifestations. These practices hurt and demoralise people who want to sincerely contribute in the development of nation.

Jammu and Kashmir has the dubious distinction of topping the table of corrupt States.

This is the time we stand against corrupt people and cleanse the system, so that people thrive in a healthy system.

Yours etc….
Sudershan K Sharma