New era of Indo-US relations

By every standard Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the US, where he was unwelcome for more than a decade in the past, is historic, memorable and hopefully productive. In particular, a 2.8 million strong Indian Diaspora in the United States was galvanized into ecstatic reverberations when more than twenty thousand of the tribe were physical witness to the thrilling and hope-inspiring speech of the Prime Minister delivered in chaste Hindi. Indian Diaspora gave full proof of its cultural presence in the world’s most powerful democracy by organizing scintillating dance and music that preceded the speech of the leader. Tricolor flags and banners fluttered all over the vast Madison Square Garden, the like of which the United States had never seen before. The crowning factor of this historic rally was the presence of three dozen US law makers, most powerful in their right as Senators and Congressmen. New York Times gave the banner line news: “Once unwelcome in the US, Modi gets Rock Star reception in NY”.
Raising the slogan of three Ds, viz. democracy, demographic dividend and demand, Modi said that a democracy of 125 crore people has a voice and a purpose in shaping the destiny of mankind. What more assets did India need when she has 65 per cent of her total population below the age of 35? This youthful humanity with ancient civilization born and brought up in an atmosphere of democracy and pluralism can make incredible achievements.  He said that the future will have demand for India because it has a huge market. Highlighting the role and responsibility of his Government, Modi said that his nation has great achievements to make for her people and the people of the world. His entire speech was interspersed with peeps into world vision. Giving a brief summary of his Government’s achievement in one hundred days of power, he listed the Mission to Mars, Jan Dhan Yojna, flood relief campaign, interaction with the leaders of SAARC, visits and exchange of ideas with the leaders of China and Japan and now the United States.
In recognition of tremendous nationalist spirit demonstrated by the Indian Diaspora of US, the Prime Minister announced that travel regime for NRI from the US would be eased and life-long visa would be granted to the PIO. They will no more have to report to the local police station as was the practice so far. American citizens would get visa for India on arrival. He said that the enthusiasm shown by the American Indians reminded us that there was convergence among the strongest and the largest democracies in the world.
Away from the gala public rally at the Madison Square Garden in the heart of Manhattan, two leaders namely President Obama and Prime Minister Modi met in the White House for nearly two hours to hammer out the history of future relations between the two countries, both of which are committed to development along democratic lines for their respective countries and peace in the world. They are reported to have discussed a fairly large number of issues that are uppermost in their policy planning system. The two leaders have agreed to dismantle safe havens for terrorist organizations and disrupt their financial and tactical support. However, India would not be joining any coalition in fight against terror in West Asia. The trilateral agreement on Afghanistan is for development of that country and not for military operations. But elucidating “joint and concerted effort” in dismantling terror network, the two sides agreed that India and the US did not mean launching operation against terror network but certainly would carry out the mandate of the UN in this behalf.
The two sides have agreed on extending the joint US-India cooperation in defense for ten more years. India is a large importer of war equipment and during past ten years India has imported military hardware worth 60,000 crore rupees from the US.  Big defense hardware deal is on the anvil that is likely to be around worth 20,000 crore rupees. It includes sale to India of Appache attack choppers, Chinook heavy lift helicopters and Javeline anti-tank guided missiles. The pact for defense cooperation agreed to by the two leaders would be through security dialogue, service-level exchange, defense exercises, and defence trade and technology collaboration. The US has agreed to support India’s candidature for permanent membership of the Security Council and in addition the US would also like that India has easier approach to world financial institutions like IMF and WB. Significantly, President Obama said that India meets the standards of Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and is ready for the membership of elite Nuclear Supply Group (NSG) of 48-members controlling nuclear trade. This gives a lie to the propaganda initiated by some sections of opposition at home that Prime Minister did not broach the matter connected with nuclear agreement for civilian use.
Prime Minister Modi is eager that more American companies should invest in India especially in defense productions and while inviting them to invest he said that his Government would raise the FDI level from 26 to 49 per cent and this was good incentive for foreign investment.
Undoubtedly, Prime Minister Modi’s visit will be the harbinger of new phase of relationship between India and the US. Fuller details of the talks between the two leaders will be known in due course of time but whatever has trickled down from the media or the joint press conference is a clear indication that in the areas of war against terrorism, cooperation and collaboration in defense deals, concept of expansion of trade and commerce not only to the benefit of the parties but also the world at large and more manifest role for India in the affairs of the world. There has been expression of considerable goodwill on the part of President Obama who would be showcasing three Indian cities namely Allahabad, Ajmer and Vishakhapatnam as modern cities and assistance in providing clean water and sewage facilities to 500 Indian cities.
India has made it clear that she is not interested in groupings and conclaves but in inclusive approach to problems and programmes. By saying that India does not attach importance to G5 or G10 etc. but to G-All, Modi has very strongly put forth his world vision and the need for ushering in new era of cooperation and collaboration among the peoples of the world. His visit is not only a landmark event in the history of relationship between the two democracies of the world but is also a guiding principle for the rest of the world. It is perhaps for the first time in the history of Indo-US relations that the Indian Prime Minister has spoken very frankly, sincerely and firmly of India’s regional and global interests and how the US can give them weight-age while formulating the parameters of its own global strategies. India and the US have a long history of see-saw relationship and Pakistan factor has played major role in shaping the contours of their relations. But it appears that the practice of India-Pakistan hyphening has to come to an end and India’s position as a major actor in Asian and global affairs are steadily getting established.