Are You Sleep Deprived?

Shahnaz Husain
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This saying may not apply today because the latest trends say that people are just not getting enough sleep. Today, people think that not getting enough sleep is no big deal. They would rather work longer hours and increase productivity, instead of wasting their time sleeping. What people don’t realize is that this kind of lifestyle leads to a build up of inadequate sleep that actually takes a heavy toll on health and ironically, also on productivity!  Going without sleep as a matter of habit leads to “sleep deprivation” which is made up of all the lost hours when the person should have been sleeping.
Long term sleep deprivation has many effects and symptoms. One of the symptoms is stress, which becomes a vicious cycle. Stress increases due to habitual lack of sleep, and the stress itself makes it difficult to sleep. Stress from sleep deprivation hampers the ability to deal with daily activities, like rush hour traffic, needs of the family and other simple day to day tasks, which seem monumental. Research has shown that those who get adequate sleep are more focused on their work, while habitual lack of sleep interferes with concentration. Tests have also shown that a person who gets five hours of sleep a night performs better than those who get four hours of sleep. This means that sleep deprivation definitely affects performance detrimentally. Tests also revealed that those who are sleep deprived actually may not know why they are stressed out!  In fact, regular deep sleep actually maintains the connection between nerve cells and this helps memory. On the other hand, lack of sleep over a period of time can also affect memory negatively. So, if you get your full quota of sleep everyday, you can rely on a sharp memory. Staying awake all night and studying during the exams can actually interfere with memory and capacity to recall.
Recent studies also show that experts believe that the increasing use of smart phones, tablets, etc., just before retiring for the night actually keeps one awake. It seems the blue light from the screens can lead to insomnia. Experts say that an average adult needs seven and a half to eight and a half hours of sleep every night. In fact, even seven hours of sleep can lead to symptoms of sleep deprivation and health problems over a period of time. Doctors advise stopping the use of smart phones and other gadgets two hours before sleep. The mind should be clear and at rest. This can be done by making a list of the things to be done the next day much before bedtime.
Therefore, it is a fact that going without enough sleep for a period of time not only affects the health, but also your performance. So, it is necessary to find a solution by making changes in your lifestyle. Have a time when you go to sleep everyday and keep to it. Try to break the connection between work and stress a little before going to sleep. This can be done by having a short period of relaxation, when you do something else. A pre-sleep ritual can help…… like having a hot bath, or reading something light, having a glass of warm milk, or meditating, which is great for calming the mind. Deep breathing also helps. Have a light dinner well before bedtime.
Very often, the awareness of what you are doing that is interfering with adequate sleep, along with a little effort, help to bring about the required change in the lifestyle. Sacrificing your health is just not worth it.