Centre mulling legislation on Gulf sex rackets

KOCHI, July 21: Union Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi today said the Government was seriously thinking of  introduceing an effective measure to check the exploitation of   Indian women by sex racketeers in Gulf countries.

Talking to reporters here, he admitted that the Government had some information in this regard, he said ‘the Government wanted to curb the menace and an effective measure would be introduced soon in visa a terms soon.’

He said there was a proposal before the ministry that no woman passengers would be allowed to travel alone to the Gulf destinations on tourist visa unless it is issued by her father, husband or very close relatives.

He said the government noted that the modus operandi of such sex racket was taking women on tourist visas and the effort was to curb this.

A final report in this regard would be published after having detailed discussions with the concerned Ministry, he said.

The Government had already taken necessary action in the case of house maids stipulating that that only women, who have completed 30 years are allowed to go and that too with a deposit of 3000 Dollars and a minimum salary of between 250 and 300 Dollars.

Regarding the shooting of three Indian fishermen in UAE by US Navy, he said the Government was seriously thinking of giving financial help to the families of the fishermen and  to bring his body of the fisherman who died to his native place.

Since the incident was took place in  UAE, that country must to take up the issue with the US Government. (UNI)