CCI Jammu up in arms against issuance of SROs on VAT returns

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 6: The Chamber of Commerce and Industries Jammu has strongly condemned the unilateral and anti-Jammu decision of the State Finance Department over issuance of 5 SROs pertaining to VAT returns.
Taking serious view of such unjust action, the CCI has appealed to all the members from the trade and the industry to get ready for the fight for justice and also asked all the members to extend total non co- operation to the Commercial Taxes and the Excise Departments by not allowing any person from these departments to enter their business premises.
An urgent meeting of office bearers and different associations was convened today at the Chamber House after the 5 SROs pertaining to VAT returns were issued by the Finance Department.
The president CCI Jammu, Rakesh Gupta said that the notifications have been issued without any application of mind and without taking into consideration the representation sent to the Finance Minister on September 22, 2014 wherein the CCI Jammu had demanded extension of dates for depositing of VAT for the second quarter, filing of VAT returns and  audited returns for six months besides canceling  all the warrants issued  by DC recoveries for the time being and announce amnesty scheme for the past arrears pertaining to interest and penalties.
The CCI is confused by such a childish act of the Finance department without taking into consideration the actual facts and the situation the business community is faced with as the rotation of money has come to a stand still as all traders and industrialists have been directly or indirectly hit, the meet explained.
The Finance Ministry of our State should have issued SROs considering Jammu and Kashmir as one State as done by the Commisionerate of Income Tax and announced relief measures accordingly, the CCI added.
The CCI also invited all the Ministers, MLAs and MLCs belonging to the Jammu province on October 11, Saturday at 4pm to the Chamber House in Jammu to clear their stand in a joint meeting on this issue.