War like situation in Arnia: 5 killed, 35 injured in heavy Pak shelling

On LoC, Poonch sector shelled throughout the day

Pak opens new fronts in RS Pura, Kanachak, Pargwal

Sanjeev Pargal

Family members wail over the killing of their kin at Mashan-De-Kothe in Arnia on Monday. —Excelsior / Rakesh
Family members wail over the killing of their kin at Mashan-De-Kothe in Arnia on Monday. —Excelsior / Rakesh

JAMMU, Oct 6: In worst ever ceasefire violation in past several years, Pakistani Rangers targeted civilian population in Arnia town and surroundings along the International Border (IB) with long range mortar shells killing five civilians including two women, injuring 35 others, many of them women and children and a BSF jawan, damaging more than 100 houses, targeting 10 Border Out Posts (BOPs) of BSF and leading to migration from all villages of Arnia and the town today. This is for the first time since 1971 war that five civilians have been killed in one single incident of Pakistan shelling and firing at one place on the IB. A father-daughter were among the dead.
A virtual war like situation prevailed in entire Arnia town, which was pounded last night by the Rangers with long range mortar shells for more than six hours and its surrounding border villages, with police vehicles fitted with mikes and drum beats moving in the town and the villages making announcements asking the people to shift to safer locations identified for them by the administration in Bishnah and other place. The `Munadi’ (announcement with drum beat and mike fitted police vehicles) was made around 5 pm in entire Arnia sector on behalf of the District Magistrate asking the people to vacate the town and surrounding villages and take shelter in safer places including the Government school buildings earmarked for them. Army has also joined the operation by installing tents for the migrants and providing food to them.
Again at about 9 pm tonight, Pakistani Rangers rattled the entire IB with heavy mortar shelling targeting entire Arnia, RS Pura, Kanachak, Pargwal, Gajansoo, Gol Pattan and Mala Bela, leading to fresh wave of fear psychosis among the people. While people from entire Arnia sector had migrated by this evening, the population in other forward villages on the IB was panicked with shells landing inside or close to their houses and fields and exploding with big bangs, reports said.
They added that all forward villages of Arnia and RS Pura including Kaku-De-Kothey, Chanana, Arnia town, Chingia, Jabowal, Pindi Kadwal, Treva, Sei, Devigarh, Nikowal, Chakroi, Basspur, Choga, Abdullian, Peer Baba, Khatmarian, Korotana, Sangral, Joura Farm and surroundings were rocked with long range mortar shells falling in people’s houses and fields late tonight. The shelling was going on in most of the places when the reports last came in till late tonight but there had been no report of any fresh casualties or damage.
In Kanachak and Pargwal sectors, Pakistani Rangers started intense shelling simultaneously at 9 pm targeting forward villages like Kanachak, Gajansoo, Gol Pattan, Pargwal, Mala Bela and surroundings. In some of the areas, shelling stopped around 11.30 pm but in other areas, it continued till midnight tonight but in these two sectors also, there was no report of any casualties or damage.
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Director General BSF DK Pathak and IG BSF Rakesh Kumar Sharma along with senior officers of civil and police administration visited Arnia sector this afternoon and inter-acted with BSF Commanders and local people and assured them of full protection from the Pakistan shelling and firing.
On the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistan Army continued heavy shelling and firing in Balakote, Mendhar, Mankote and surroundings in over 30 kilometers area in Bhimber Gali sector of Poonch district this morning evoking an effective response from the Army. However, there were no casualties on the LoC while about two dozen houses suffered minor damage after being hit by splinter of mortars and bullets.
Official sources and eyewitnesses told the Excelsior that Pakistan Rangers started pounding Arnia town and adjoining villages on the IB from their forward posts with long range mortar shells and automatic weapons at 1.15 am early today. As entire population of Arnia town was staying in their houses unmindful that the Rangers would hit the town, they were trapped in the firing and shelling. Very few people had yesterday migrated from the villages as there was no firing from Pakistan side on the intervening night of October 4 and 5 after heavy shelling the preceding night.
Few mortar shells even crossed Arnia town and fell inside the fields while several others hit the houses, cattle sheds, vehicles, shops and everything in Arnia town and surrounding areas like Mashan-De-Kothe, Kaku-De-Kothe, Treva and their adjacent villages. Mashan-De-Kothe and Arnia town bore brunt of the damage, where 70 to 80 mortar shells exploded.
A number of houses were directly hit by the mortar shells killing and injuring several civilians, sleeping on roof, outer premises of the houses or even inside the houses. More than 100 houses were reported to have suffered extensive to partial damage in Pakistan shelling and firing, sources said.
Police parties from Arnia led by SHO Inspector Kulbir Singh Choudhary risked their lives and managed to evacuate several victims of shelling and firing and took them to the hospital.
Sources said one civilian was killed on spot while another died on way to hospital. Three other injured succumbed in the GMC Jammu immediately after their arrival as they had been badly hit with splinters of mortar shells all over their bodies. Thirty-four civilians were injured. While 30 of them have been admitted in the GMC Jammu, four others were under treatment in Arnia hospital.
The dead have been identified as Rajesh Kumar, 30, son of Maka Ram, Kajal, 13, daughter of Parshotam Lal, Satya Devi, 45, wife of Chajju Ram, Parshotam Lal son of Laxman Dass, all residents of Mashan-De-Kothe and Ram Lal, 60, son of Sain Dass R/o Arnia town. Deceased Parshotam Lal and Kajal were father-daughter.
A pall of gloom fell in Arnia town with five deaths, 34 injuries and extensive damage to several houses in about six hours long heavy shelling and firing from Pakistan side. As cremation ground in Arnia town had space for performing last rites of only four persons at one time, the people couldn’t perform mass cremation of all five people. Cremation of four villagers was performed at one time at 4.30 pm while another civilian had to wait. He was cremated at 5 pm at a newly created space.
Earlier, bodies of civilians were handed over to their family members after legal formalities by police. Sources said all four persons killed at Mashan-De-Kothe were relatives. Almost entire population of Arnia joined cremation of the dead apart from officers of BSF, police and civil administration and political leaders.
A BSF jawan Sham Kumar of Udhampur, posted with 192 BSF was hit by splinters of mortar shells at Pittal Post and got injured. Apart from him, 34 civilians were injured after being hit by splinters of mortar shells and bullets inside their houses. Several cattle were also killed or injured in the firing and shelling in Arnia and surrounding villages.
Meanwhile, Pakistan claimed that its four civilians were killed and three others injured in the exchange of fire near the Sialkot border.
An Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement today said the dead included two children and a woman.
ISPR also said there was firing from Indian side in Nakial, Karela, Kot Kettera, Hot Spring and Jandrot sectors.
On the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistan Army resorted to heavy mortar shelling and firing in about 30 kilometers area from Bhimber Gali (BG) to Krishna Ghati (KG) sector in Balakote, Mendhar and Mankote at 8 am today targeting forward posts of the Indian Army and civilian areas, triggering panic among the villagers.
The firing continued till 12 noon.
Indian side gave adequate response to silence the Pakistani guns, sources said, adding that several houses suffered minor damage after being hit by splinters of shells.
At about 5.30 pm today, Pakistan opened heavy firing and shelling at Kerni and Shahpur sub sectors of Poonch and extended it till late this evening. Here also, the Indian troops retaliated effectively after which Pakistan stopped firing and shelling.
Sources said almost entire Poonch sector was affected by Pakistan shelling and firing during the day. However, there were no casualties or damage on the Indian side in Pakistan shelling. The casualties or damage, in any, on Pakistan side was not known immediately.
This was after a long time that almost entire Poonch sector was involved in firing and shelling on a single day with Pakistan pounding forward posts of Army and civilian areas.
In Ramgarh sector of Samba district, Pakistan opened firing at lone forward village of Jerda near Nandpur. Few shells landed in the fields but failed to cause any damage. In the morning, SDPO Vijaypur SS Samyal and SHO Ramgarh Satish Kumar visited the forward villages and asked the people to keep lights off after the evening. Authorities have readied safer location in Ramgarh if there was any migration from the forward areas due to Pakistan firing and shelling.
Meanwhile, people from entire Arnia town and all forward villages left their houses after cremation of five civilians and took shelter in Government schools and religious places at Slair in Arnia and Rehal in Bishnah apart from some tents laid by the Army during the day in Bishnah.
By the Sunset, entire Arnia town and forward villages wore deserted look with only BSF jawans and police personnel moving in different areas. Only cattle and dogs could be seen in the houses. According to rough estimates, nearly 10,000 people have migrated from Arnia town and forward villages. While some of the families had left for the houses of their relatives, others took shelter in the relief camps.
Earlier in the evening, mike fitted police vehicles and drum beaters moved out in Arnia town and border villages making `Munadi’ (announcement) asking the people to leave their houses by Sunset and take shelter in safer areas identified by them on the directions of the District Magistrate.
The people, however, regretted that a similar announcement by the administration yesterday after Pakistan’s shelling on intervening night of October 4 and 5 would have saved five innocent lives.
“The civil administration didn’t act wisely. Had they advised us to leave the houses yesterday, the innocent lives wouldn’t have lost,” they said.
The people reiterated their demand for allotment of 5 marlas plot to them in safer areas for their rehabilitation and construction of pucca bunkers for them, where they could take shelter in the event of sudden firing.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah along with officers of civil and police administration visited Arnia sector this afternoon and met the local people at various places. He assured the villagers that he would take up their demand for rehabilitation in safer areas and construction of pucca bunkers with the Government of India. However, as far as response to Pakistan was concerned he said he can’t advice to the Centre.
Omar also visited houses of those killed or injured in the firing and expressed sympathies with them. He said the State Government would give all possible ex-gratia to the kin of dead and injured and take all measures for their protection. He met the BSF Commanders and reviewed situation with them on the International Border. He also joined cremation of all five victims of Pakistan firing.
BSF DG DK Pathak also flew-in here from New Delhi on the directions of Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and visited Arnia sector to review the situation along with senior BSF officers and local Commanders.
After the review meeting, Pathak said the BSF has given adequate response to Pakistan’s shelling and firing. He added that safety and security of the border people was of paramount concern for the BSF.
Pathak said the BSF would continue to give effective response to Pakistan if they didn’t stop firing and shelling on the Indian side.
Saying that it did not expect Pakistan to carry out such an intensified shelling and firing in Jammu on the day of Eid today, Pathak assured that the force will take whatever retaliatory action it has to.
“Whatever retaliatory action BSF has to take, will be undertaken,” Pathak said.
“Our force is a professional force and we will respond very professionally to the Pak firing,” he said.
Pathak flew to Jammu from New Delhi and rushed to R S Pura border belt to chair a meeting of top officers of the Jammu Frontier to review the situation emerging in view of shelling and firing in the Arnia belt.
“The incident is not a good incident. There have been casualties, but we have responded to it,” he said.
“We were not expecting that they will resort to such an intensified shelling and firing on Eid,” Pathak added.
“Every ceasefire violation has been engineered by them and we are not responsible for any ceasefire violation,” he said.
Pathak will give first hand reports of the situation prevailing on the border to Rajnath Singh tomorrow morning. The BSF chief also inter-acted with the civilians including those who lost their kin in the firing.
Meanwhile, blood stained beds, torn off roof-tops and windows punctured by bullets and splinters of mortar bombs bore a mute testimony to the Pakistani shelling in the border hamlet of Arnia, where smell of cordite and gunpowder hangs in the air even till this afternoon after last night’s heavy shelling and firing from across the border.
The overnight attack by Pakistani forces that has left five persons dead has triggered panic among the border villagers.
“We have not seen such an attack of mortar bombs and heavy firing in the past several decades, even not during the August ceasefire violations. It was the worst attack on civilian areas”, Kulbushan Kumar, a resident of Arnia town, said.
Such was the intensity of the firing and shelling that 82 mm mortar shells landed in Mashan-De-Kothe and Arnia town, which is around 5 kilometers away from the International Border.
Carcasses of animals killed due to splinter injuries were also seen strewn in Kaku-De-Kothe and other areas.
“Arnia town, which we considered a safe place, has also been hit by scores of mortar bombs that killed one person Ram Lal,” Kumar said.
Most of the houses in Mashan-De-Kothe, Pindi, Kaku-De-Kothe and Channa village were hit by the bullets and splinters of mortar shells, which tore roof tops and walls of several houses besides breaking windows and doors.
“It is the worst attack. Five persons have been killed and 35 others were injured in firing and shelling in Arnia belt”, the people said.
They said: “such firing has not been seen in the past. People were migrating from the villages and Arnia town. Pakistan cannot be trusted”.
Bamroo Devi, who lost four relatives in Mashan-De-Kothe village, is seen weeping besides the blood stained beds in the compound of her house which was hit by mortars.
“What was our fault that they killed our family members”? she asked.
A pall of gloom prevails in this village with people consoling those who have lost their near and dear ones in the firing.
“The State and Central Government should learn from this tragedy and ensure permanent relocation of the critical border villages located close to IB”, said Sarwan Singh.
The neighbours of Ram Lal, who was killed in the shelling by Pakistani Rangers, are still in a state of shock.
“How can the shells reach us here as the area is six kilometers away from the border? It has triggered fear among us”, Hardev, a villager, said.
The blood-bath in the compound of Ram’s house is now haunting the villagers, who are mulling to shift from the area.
“We want to now shift to safer areas”, he said.
Sunil Kumar, who lost a relative, said, “Around midnight we woke up to the sound of shelling which rattled windows and doors”.
“Huddled in one corner of the room, we watched the house being hit by all sides by splinters and some of them pierced the windows but we all escaped unhurt,” he said.
Authorities have, meanwhile, announced Rs 1 lakh ex-gratia relief for the kin of dead and Rs 5000 to Rs 10000 for injured. The people described this relief as very meager and urged the Government to increase ex-gratia to Rs 5 lakh for kin of dead and Rs 1 lakh for injured.
With five deaths in Pakistan shelling today, the number of killings during past four days on the LoC and IB has gone up to 7. A 17 year old girl was killed in Pakistan shelling on the LoC in Balnoi the other day while an Army jawan was killed and another injured on the LoC in an IED blast in the same sector.
Meanwhile, 35 persons injured in Pakistan firing and shelling have been identified as Sham Kumar, a BSF jawan, Preeti, 17, daughter of Romesh Lal, Bimla Devi, 50, wife of Puran Chand, Romal Singh, 55, son of Fuman Singh, all residents of Mashan-De-Kothey, Arjun Saini, 20, son of Ram Lal R/o Arnia, Sudesh Kumari, 40, wife of Rakesh Kumar (Arnia), Krishna Kumari, 50, wife of Jeet Raj (Mashan-De-Kothey), Satya Devi, 40, wife of Des Raj R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Ashok Kumar, 35, son of Dharam Chand R/o Arnia, Bishan Dass, 42, son of Dharam Chand R/o Arnia, Joginder Singh, 50, son of Gurnam Singh R/o Kaku-De-Kothey, Vijay Kumar son of Chhaju Ram R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Romesh Chander, 60, son of Buti Ram R/o Arnia, Balbir Raj, 40, son of Laxman Dass, 52, R/o Arnia, Mala Ram, 52, son of Prakash Chand R/o Arnia, Veero Devi, 45, wife of Maka Ram R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Netar Singh, 70, son of Shankar Dass R/o Arnia, Shamsher Singh, 43, son of Dhain Ram R/o Arnia, Rakesh Kumar, 20, son of Kaka Ram R/o Jalo Chak, Jyoti Devi, 20, daughter of Pawan Kumar R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Mukesh Kumar, 20, son of Kaka Ram R/o Jalo Chak, Om Prakash, 60, son of Nand Lal R/o Arnia, Shubam, 19, son of Kaka Ram R/o Jalo Chak, Kasar Kumar, 24, son of Babu Ram R/o Arnia, Preeto Devi, 55, wife of Mulkh Raj R/o Arnia, Joginder Singh, 46, son of Sewa Singh R/o Khamba, Des Raj, 35, son of Bodh Raj R/o Treva, Romesh, 26, son of Babu Ram R/o Arnia, Manish Kumar, 20, son of Parshotam Kumar R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Sunil Kumar, 10, son of  Parshotam Kumar R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Darshna Devi, 40, wife of Parshotam Kumar R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Jyoti Devi, 20, wife of Pawan Kumar R/o Mashan-De-Kothey, Baby, 2, daughter of Pawan Kumar R/o Mashan-De-Kothey and Soma Devi, 40, wife of Surinder Paul R/o Mashan-De-Kothey.
Sources said several vehicles parked by the people in houses, Arnia town and Arnia bus stand were also badly damaged.