Badami Bagh Army School reopens

Excelsior Correspondent

Governor N N Vohra inaugurating flood-affected Army Public School at Badami Bagh in Srinagar on Friday.
Governor N N Vohra inaugurating flood-affected Army Public School at Badami Bagh in Srinagar on Friday.

UDHAMPUR, Oct 10: As a mark of restoration of educational institutions in Kashmir post floods, Chinar Corps of Army in Kashmir, in a brief ceremony, graced by Governor NN Vohra, reopened the Army Public School, Badami Bagh Cantonment, within ten days from the day floods ravaged parts of Srinagar.
The Governor was received by Lt Gen Subrata Saha, GOC 15 Corps and was briefed by Brig Vinay Bahl, Chairman, Army Public School, on the humongous efforts made by Army, through a collaborative mechanism enlisting the support and cooperation of Udhampur based Headquarters Northern Command, Army Welfare Education Society (AWES), Military Engineering Services (MES) and above all, the parents who ensured that children start attending the school at the earliest. Army went about the restoration of the School infrastructure in a very methodical manner following a process of dewatering, cleaning, drying the walls (through use of kerosene heaters), maintenance of the buildings and restoration of services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage, and so on. Major financial assistance was extended by HQ Northern Command wherein Rs 1.58 Lakhs worth of free books and notebooks were provisioned. On the front of restoration of academic facilities, Army Welfare Education Society provided over 40 lakhs worth of support to revive the physics, Chemistry and IT laboratories as also for procurement of furniture lost due to floods.
Governor, during this second visit to the School addressed the children, staff and the Army personnel involved in restoration of the School and said “calamities take place, but the important part is the speed and the ability with which we try to restore normalcy and compliment Lt Gen Saha, GOC 15 Corps and all the men of the Chinar Corps for not only restoration of the School but also for range of activities including rescue, relief, repair of roads, construction of bridges, restoration of hospitals, blood donation, and so on. The Governor also appreciated the HQ Northern Command and AWES for the prompt financial assistance towards stationery and academic infrastructure.