Rajendra visits damaged police establishments

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 11:  Director General of Police (DGP), K. Rajendra Kumar, today visited several police establishments in Srinagar city which were affected by the recent floods and took stock of their functioning.
He was accompanied by IGP Kashmir Zone, A. G. Mir during the visit.
During his visit to Police Public School Bemina, the DGP enquired about the progress of class work restarted after the floods. He was told that the devastating floods had adversely affected the school functioning, damaging the infrastructure and equipments extensively. With the painstaking efforts of the authorities the dewatering and cleaning of the school was taken on war footing and the classes restarted in the shortest possible time, the DGP was informed.
Mr. Rajendra stressed upon the school administration to put on the extra efforts to cover the period that has wasted due to floods. He said that the damaged infrastructure would be rebuilt and equipments provided to the school to bring the functioning of the institution fully on track.
The DGP also visited the Police Housing Colony, Bemina and took stock of the damages caused by floods. He interacted with the inmates and enquired about the problems faced by them in the aftermath of floods.
Dy. Inspector General of Police CKR, Syed Ahfadul Mujtaba briefed the DGP about the steps taken for restoration of basic amenities after floods in the  housing colony. He said that restoration of drinking water, power supply and sanitation were taken up on priority and these basic amenities have been maintained in the colony upto large extent, he added.
Mr. Rajendra directed the officers to address the problems of the inmates on priority adding that restoration efforts need to be stepped up to provide immediate succor to the people.
The DGP, later, visited Police Station Rajbagh and took stock of the functioning of police station. SSP, Srinagar, Amit Kumar apprised the Police Chief about the damages suffered during the floods. He was told that the police station was completely submerged in the flood waters damaging Government properties, records and personal belongings of police personnel.
Mr. Rajendra stressed to regain the normal policing and provide necessary service to the people under its jurisdiction.
Meanwhile, DGP ordered out of turn promotion to 102 lower subordinates, besides absorption of 109 SPOs as constables in Jammu and Kashmir Police.
The orders in this regard have been issued by the Police Headquarters (PHQ) on the recommendations of Police Establishment Board (PEB) in recognition to their extra ordinary contribution in maintaining peace and order in the State.
Mr. Rajendra said that the promoted personnel and SPOs demonstrated great valour and  courage while safeguarding the people and their properties  at different places in the State from time to time that impressed the authorities to reward them.
The DGP said that the SPOs absorbed as constables have been rubbing shoulders with other police personnel in maintaining law and order, besides other public services continuously. He disclosed that the lower subordinates promoted to their next higher ranks include 64 constables, 27 Sg. Constables and 11 head constables.