Why Duggar Channel?

Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’
These days almost all the social network sites as well as newspapers are full of coverage for Satellite “Duggar Channel” being demanded by Doordarshan Approved Drama Artists Association (DADAA) and supported by almost all other cultural organizations and inhabitants of Duggar Pradesh in particular. The demand has become the hot debate not only among the people residing within Duggar region but also living outside the state and even abroad. Those who have roots from Duggar region have been advocating the necessity of satellite Duggar Channel because of the fact that they wish to remain aligned with their traditions and culture through this potent visual form of expression. They say that people from other regions enjoy satellite channels in their own regional languages and feel comfortable while living miles away. On the other hand, they have no such inspiring medium so as to provide a proper feed back to growing kids about their cultural traditions and strong roots. At the same time, others also presently residing in Duggar Pradesh, but hailing from other regions are also supporting this legitimate demand.
Although one may ask if there has been already a satellite channel in the form of DD Kashir in the state then why should there be another Satellite Channel? In response to it is pertinent to mention here that our state J & K state has been an exemplary proof of unity in diversity. All the three provinces Jammu, Kashmir & Ladhakh have their own traditions, culture and heritage because of geographical and climatic differences. For ages these regions have been struggling hard to keep their traditions alive despite the emergence of cosmopolitan culture all over globe. However, with the invasion of western culture through different mediums of expression and information revolution, it has become even harder to preserve own culture. Audio and visual mediums have always helped to serve this noble cause.
When Central Government was expanding the Doordarshan Network all over India, our state got the privilege of having regional channel_ Srinagar Doordarshan. At that time it must have been planned that all the regions will get proper share in programming so that the traditions & cultural heritages of all the regions will get due exposure. But it never happened. Duggar region got minimum of time slot that too merely as compensation. Then during militancy at peak PGF Jammu was started initially for telecast of news/current affairs and later on got converted into a full fledged station but only on papers. There was no at par budget vis-a-vis other DD Channels.
Ironically, when the entire state of Jammu & Kashmir had been suffering from menace of terrorism and Pak Propaganda had been at its peak to fulfill its nefarious designs, it was thought by a think tank that an additional channel in the form of DD Kashir will serve the cause. Millions were invested in with an aim to inspire youths to stand against evil souls all set to make hell of life for J&K people. It was aimed that such a channel will be a befitting reply to enemy country which was engaged in diverting youths of state towards the path of destruction.
A harsh fact remains that maximum of budget was allocated to Kashmiri programs whereas Kashmiri language is being spoken and understood by only a small portion of Pakistan occupied Kashmir across the border. The languages being spoken in Jammu province have wider area even spoken and understood in Pakistan also. It further consolidated the demand that in order to counter Pak propaganda “Duggar Channel” would have served the cause in a far better way thus utilizing the tax payers’ money in a much constructive and fruitful way.
As per Mr. Jagdish Singh ‘Babli’, an eminent media personality and President DADAA, “Duggar region covers about 32,200 sq. Kilometers of area in Jammu province as compared about 22,200 sq. Kilometers being covered by Srinagar .This way “Duggar Channel” would have encountered the false propaganda of Pakistan against the state of Jammu & Kashmir in a significant way since the languages being spoken in Duggar region are well understood and spoken in many parts of Pakistan and POK adjoining Jammu Province.”
With references to multiple languages like Dogri, Gojri, Bhaderwahi, Kishtwari, Punjabi and Pahari group of languages that include Mirpuri, Poonchi and Muzafarbadi, each of these languages have centre base in Jammu region. Moreover after inclusion of Dogri language in 8th schedule of the constitution of India, it also needs due exposure as well as recognition at broader scale. The audio and visual mediums of expressions play a vital role in this direction.
At the same time the languages other than Dogri being mentioned above and spoken in Jammu province and adjoining area of Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir also need exposure where as only one language i.e. Kashmiri is spoken in Kashmir province. Also, Jammu region being Dogra land having rich cultural heritage also needs projection and propagation. Although there is no issue or malice that there have been two channels__ Srinagar DDK & DD Kashir catering to the demands of Kashmiri language, but demanding an own channel to preserve own cultural heritage and Dogra Identity has been a fundamental right of inhabitants of Jammu province.
It is pertinent to add here that our state comprises of three provinces i.e. Jammu, Kashmir and Ladhakh. It has two capitals Jammu during winter and Kashmir during summer and two high court benches at Jammu as well as at Srinagar then why not two satellite channels for state for equal exposure to traditions and heritages.
According to Janak Khajuria, a well known name in theatre, radio and television who has been spokesperson of DADAA also, “The present DDK Jammu is only just a Kendra but the budget is not provided at par with other Kendras of the country. Moreover the PGF Rajouri is also dependant on the DDK Jammu as no special budget in grant is provided for that. The Kashmiri Migrant artists are also fed by DDK Jammu. The budget for DDK Jammu should be allotted at par with Srinagar Kendra.”
Long back in 1999 also DADAA had raised this genuine demand for a channel with 24 hours services and now reiterated that the present DDK Jammu be linked to DTH so that it can reach entire India and even beyond its boundaries. The Parsar Bharti has only to issue orders for “Duggar Channel” as the infrastructure available at DDK Jammu can be used for better propagation of cultural values; linguistic plurality and overall development aspect of J&K at International level, so that Pakistani propaganda against the state is countered with facts and figures in an striking manner.”
While summing up it may be added that Jammu, being nearer to International Border and Line of Control is a suitable place to propagate and promote the prospective polices of Government of India with regard to Kashmir. Moreover it has been the right of Dogras to have a satellite channel for so many genuine reasons and that cannot be denied to them.
All from Jammu Province, irrespective of religion and political ideology should come ahead united for such a noble cause. There should not be a name and blame game and credit issue. Credit will go to all inhabitants of Duggar Region. It’s a struggle for Identity Crisis and becomes rather an obligation to get a satellite channel at all costs.
It’s imperative to preserve Duggar traditions and stick to own roots. Roots should never be forgotten and efforts should be made to serve motherland in all possible manners. “Duggar Channel” may help to a large extent.