NC’s flip flop; Azad, others hail

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Oct 25: With the ruling National Conference (NC) making a flip flop over the announcement of the elections by the Election Commission of India this evening, all the main stream political parties including former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad hailed the decision of holding polls on schedule.
As soon after the ECI Press Conference in New Delhi announcing 5-phase elections in Jammu and Kashmir ended, the NC immediately shot a statement opposing the holding of elections and saying that the party will internally discuss and decide the further course of action. However, after one and half hour the party, in another statement, announced participation in the elections.
The statement issued by the NC general secretary, Ali Mohammad Sagar said that his party opposed the polls citing last month’s devastating floods as the reasons. “We opposed the elections at this point of time because we felt that this is not the opportune time as the people are battling the aftermath of the flood tragedy that has befallen the State”, said Sagar adding this was the time to focus on relief and rehabilitation rather than going to polls.
The NC general secretary said that his party will discuss the further course of action. “Now that the Election Commission of India has in its wisdom announced the schedule for the elections in the State, the NC will internally discuss and decide the further course of action”, he said.
Sagar said that the party clearly stated that the choice is between the people of the State and their sufferings on one side and the politics and elections on the other side. “Since democracy is for the welfare of the people it was imperative to go by the will of the people. The preference of the NC has always been and will continue to be with the people of J&K, their welfare and their well-being”, he said.
The NC general secretary said: “Unfortunately the NC was in a minority on the issue with political parties like PDP and others giving preference to their craving for power than the people.”
Sagar targeted People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for turning a blind eye towards miseries of the people by supporting the holding of elections in the State. “PDP has always been hungry for power and in its quest for power has always indulged in petty machinations to grab power through dubious means which have been more often than not anti democratic and anti people. However this time they crossed all limits by turning a blind eye towards the miseries of the people of the State in their blatant shameless endeavour to build their dream castle of power”, he said.
Later, after one and a half hour the NC general secretary issued another statement announcing participation in the elections. “The matter regarding the participation of the party in the polls was discussed with the Working President of the party, Omar Abdullah, and other senior colleagues. The party High Command feels that though the time is not appropriate for the elections to be held in the State in view of the sufferings of the people, since the party has always been a votary of strengthening democracy and democratic values in the State it will participate in the polls”, he said.
Sagar said he is hopeful that the people of the State will vote for the NC keeping in view the overall performance of the State in the last six years and will defeat the anti people forces who do not have the people’s welfare in mind and are only looking forward to their own political rehabilitation.
The leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha and former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad welcomed the decision of the ECI for holding Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.
Azad, in a statement stated that “a new Government will have greater authority to deal with the post-flood situation in the State”.
“Rehabilitation is a gigantic task under these circumstances. When we are neck deep in rescue and relief operations, one totally forgets as and when and how elections will take place. But my personal opinion is sooner the election the better it is”, the former Chief Minister said.
Azad said: “The timely elections in the Flood/Rain hit Jammu and Kashmir State will help the people of the State for their speedy rehabilitation as the new Government will start the relief rehabilitation operation, afresh.”
NC’s coalition partner, Congress, also supports the elections in time. “It is in the interest of people that a new Government with new mandate should take charge of recovery and reconstruction,” said Congress’ National Spokesperson Salman Soz. Soz said the delay in forming the new Government will not be in public interest.
“Rehabilitation of flood victims is a long term plan and sooner it starts, the better.  And it is possible only through a new Government,” said Soz.
The main Opposition party in the State, PDP, welcomed the announcement of the ECI, saying the democratic exercise could not be dispensed with.
“Though Kashmir is passing through a very difficult time but democratic process cannot be dispensed with. The rehabilitation process can be initiated only by a new, strong and durable Government,” said PDP Chief Spokesperson Naeem Akhtar.
Akhtar said the devastated state by the last month’s floods can be rebuilt by a Government which can last longer. “There is need of a Government with longer life, stability and durability which can conceive plans for rehabilitation and implement them,” he said,
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) also welcomed the decision to hold elections in the State. “We welcome the decision of the Election Commission,” said senior BJP member Fayaz Ahmad Bhat.
Bhat said that rehabilitation of flood victims should be handed over to Raj Bhawan as all the political leaders and administration would be busy in political activities.