
                        Wednesday Oct 29-2014

Aries : Career decisions and money matters will keep you busy today. And after all the work, you will want to spend some leisure time and take it easy. A leisure trip may materialise, which will put you in high spirits. Ganesha says indulging in group projects will help you make new friends.

Taurus : You have a hectic day ahead, says Ganesha. You will be immersed in your work all day long and will love doing so. A lot will get done by the end of the day. Make sure you do not stretch your neck or take unnecessary risks. That will be bad for business. Stick to basics. Do not be innovative or speculative. Be prepared for new challenges that are due to come up shortly.

Gemini : An extremely productive and fulfilling day awaits you. Alongwith your daily routine, you will also concentrate on your houshold issues. You will feel the need to have someone to call your own. You may find yourself in two minds over things like marriage and partnership. It is a good day to sell something, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You may donate to a charity organisation, for your mental happiness. On the job front, stick to your routine, rather than taking a new bold step, says Ganesha. A good day on the financial front.

Leo : Get ready to bask in applause. Well, not literally, but Ganesha does foresee you getting that long due recognition today for all the hard work you’ve put at your workplace. This goes hand-in-hand with the support of your colleagues and the good wishes of your seniors, especially if it is some new project that you are undertaking. Remember, a job well begun is already half done. So carry on with the same zeal and watch success come your way, says Ganesha.

Virgo : It is not the time to rest on your past laurels, and you will have to carry on with your work unabated. You will have to keep your focus steady and remain organised to get the same level of success that you had in the recent past. Ganesha advises you not to neglect your relationships, as they are the cornerstones of your success and tranquillity.

Libra : Wedding bells are ringing, and you are about to get very lucky! Ganesha foresees a plethora of marriage proposals coming your way on this day full of special occasions, as you turn up your charisma and sweep the enthralled opposite sex off their feet with your charm. You may end up spending quite a bit on fun and entertainment, but it’s all for a good cause. All things will fall into place as per planetary plans. Ganesha wishes you a long and happy married life.

Scorpio : You are in a dilemma and feel like standing at a crossroads of life. Some important decisions of life need time and that’s what you want right now. However, keep personal life and work separate to avoid confusion and disturbance. As per Ganesha’s advice, it’s all right if decision making takes some time, but avoid taking hasty decisions.

Sagittarius : The pressing needs of your loved ones call for extra attention today. You may have a few family friends over for lunch or dinner, and end up chatting a good deal with them. Ganesha says an intimate tête-à-tête with your better half would fare you well.

Capricorn : A penny saved is a penny earned. Your strong belief in this will make you scrutinise your requirements and rearrange the priority list, so that you know where and how to utilise the resources. Your choice of friends will represent your approach and outlook towards life. Ganesha advises you to choose your friends wisely.

Aquarius : Your dream house or car may well be on its way! The stars proclaim that it’s a good time to acquire new assets. So bring out those attractive brochures and check out your loan prospects. A perfect way to end an exciting day will be an evening at a quiet temple, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Some unknown fear could haunt you today. You will direct your energies to discovering the source of your worries and eliminate them. Lovers will find some precious time to cozy up with their partners. You will find yourself going out to the movies or to a concert. On the whole it will be a productive day for you, says Ganesha.