National seminar on ‘Satyagraha, Self Discipline and Gandhi’ concludes in JU

Prof Arvind Jasrotia and Dr Seema Rohmetra co-ordinating a session of national seminar at JU on Thursday.
Prof Arvind Jasrotia and Dr Seema Rohmetra co-ordinating a session of national seminar at JU on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 30: The two-day national seminar on “Satyagraha, Self Discipline and Gandhi: A Discussion”, organized by the Law School, University of Jammu, in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission, concluded today.
Dr Sudershan Iyengar, Vice-Chancellor of Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, was the chief guest in the valedictory session wherein Dr Seema Rohmetra, organizing secretary of the event, presented a detailed report of the seminar.
Prof Arvind Jasrotia, Director of the Law School presented welcome address.
In the seminar, two main sessions and two parallel technical sessions were held, during which the delegates presented papers.
Dr Sudershan Iyenger, VC Gujrat Vidyapeeth chaired the main technical session during which Manimala, Director Darshan Smriti and Gandhi Samiti, presented a paper on “Public sphere of young India and Harijan and social concerns.”
Prof Gurjeet Singh from GNDU presented a paper on “Contemporary relevance of Gandhi with regard to human rights”. Dr Rajeev Ranjan, presented paper on” Satyagraha and the question of Human Rights”.
Second Technical session was chaired by Om Thanvi, senior Journalist and editor Jansatta, Delhi. Rajni Bakshi, freelance journalist and Gandhi Peace fellow from Mumbai presented a paper on “Quest of Non-violence in mass media.”
Anil Gupta, CEO Indraprasta Vishva Samwad Kendra Delhi and a senior journalist, made presentation on “Journalism and human rights”.
Dr Mausumi Bhattacharya, Professor in Mass Communication Kolkata, presented a paper on Gandhijis journalistic ideology: relevance of his journalistic work in modern day.
Dr Subhash Sharma (IPS), chaired the third technical session, in which Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, DIG Jallander Police, presented a paper on the `Role of police in protection of human rights using Gandhian methodologies in resolving conflicts.’ He stressed upon the fact that the British colonial arrangement was made with a purpose to destroy the natural consciousness of Bharat which is continuing till today. The need of the hour is to join hands in restoring that natural consciousness. Dr Arvind Jasrotia spoke on Human rights and relevance of Gandhi while Dr Sapna Sangra presented paper on `Border escalations and human rights violations of border communities.”
Dr Kavita Suri shared her views on “Gandhian Relevance to rural development.” The session was coordinated by Shukla and Anjali.
Besides these main sessions, there were three parallel sessions.
1st two sessions were chaired by Dr Sanjay Gupta, Academic Coordinator the Law School, JU and co chaired by Dr Monica Narang. Dr Rinku Gupta, Assistant Professor The Law School, presented paper on ” Mahatma Gandhi, Human Rights and Social Justice.”
Dr Sanjay Gupta and Rajkumar presented paper on “Relevance of Gandhi in enforcing Social Justice In India”, Mohd Arif on “Dispensation Through ADR: A need for Gandhian Approach”, Dr Monica Narang and Dr Renu Jamwal on ” Poverty: a Human Right Violation”, Rana Ravinder. Singh on ” Gandhi’s ideology and consumerism: an analytical view through the prism of economic principles”, Dr Satinder Kumar and Soroop Kumar on “Human Rights Violations of weaker sections in India with special reference to SC, ST and scavengers”, Dr Savita Nayyar on “Women emancipation: Gandhian concept vis a vis contemporary trends.”
Second parallel session was co-chaired by Dr Kavita Suri. Dr Navdeep Kour presented paper on “Protective Discrimination: a road towards social justice,” and Arti on “Gandhi and his vision for women empowerment”.
Dr Sapna K Sangra, Assistant Professor from Sociology and Dr Seema Rohmetra, Sr Assistant Professor The Law School, jointly presented paper on “Gandhian Concept of Swaraj: A true basis for the realization of the basic rights”.
Dr Seema Sharma presented paper on “Empowerment of women: the Gandhian Model”.
The teacher coordinators for the first two parallel sessions were Dr Deepti Gupta and Rajneesh Khajuria. The parallel technical session- III was chaired by Rana Ravinder Singh and co chaired by Dr Vijay Sehgal. This session was a special scholar cum student session wherein speakers like Shabana Shabanam presented paper on “Village Swaraj & women rights empowerment through PRIs with special reference to J&K.”
Manvika Sharma presented paper on Gandhian principles and social justice, Manav Chopra on Gandhian principles and women rights, Muzaffar Ali on Gandhi and women rights, Bandhu Sharma on Sustainable development, Vijay Sehgal and Musadir Farooq on Legal aid as mechanism of Social justice: A perspective with special reference to J&K legal service authority act, 1997, Vibhuti Narania on Gandhi and women rights, Rahul Dev Singh on Panthanellers: Human Struggling for their rights, Ritika Jamwal on Gandhi and Women status in the society, Aditya Gandotra on Mahatma Gandhi and social justice and Gitanjali Goswami on Mahatma Gandhi and Women empowerment.