BJP questions Cong’s silence over Jammu ‘discrimination’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 30: Lashing out at Congress for spreading rhetoric of “discrimination” of Jammu region, BJP today questioned the Congress’s silence for almost 12 years over the issue when it was enjoying power first with PDP and later with NC.
“The Congress has maintained the stoic silence for almost 12 years on the issue of discrimination with Jammu when it was enjoying power first with PDP and later with NC,” BJP spokesman Balbir Ram said.
“We ask its leadership to reveal its compulsions which did not allow it to utter a single word against this discrimination, he said.
Earlier, Congress Minister Sham Lal Sharma had tendered his resignation from council of ministers of the NC-Congress Government last week by alleging discrimination with Jammu region as far as regularisation of the daily wagers is concerned.
Ram, while referring to the recent allegations of discrimination with Jammu by a Cabinet Minister and senior leader of Congress that blackmail tactics are being adopted by the ministers of NC and Jammu is being discriminated, termed it as political gimmick having no genuine concern for Jammu.
He said that credibility of Congress on this confession by its own minister has gone precipitously down.
The politics of opportunism of the Congress leaders prevented them to realize the pain and sufferings of Jammu and as a result of which they could not utter any word of protest earlier, he said.
Now when their graph of popularity is on decline, they are finding it difficult to face the people once again and as such are indulging in allegations and counter allegations against their coalition partners, the BJP leader said.
Ram said BJP seeks an explanation from such Congress ministers as to what forced them to sit as mute spectators in the Cabinet meetings when decisions regarding preferential treatment to Kashmir and discrimination with Jammu were being taken.
He said that 12 years is not a short time period and it is obvious that dozens of anti-Jammu or discriminatory decisions were taken and what were these Jammu-based Congress ministers doing, who are now shedding crocodile tears when the elections are around the corner.