All seats equally dear: Omar on not contesting from home turf

SRINAGAR : A day after announcing that he will not be fighting assembly polls from family bastion Ganderbal, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said people of all constituencies of the State were equally dear to him in his “mission to serve sincerely and equitably”.

“The people of all regions and sub-regions of the state were equally dear to me and my sacred mission in politics was to serve the people sincerely and equitably,” Omar said here during a meeting with party activists from Sonwar and Beerwah constituencies.

Omar has moved from his home constituency of Ganderbal and is fighting the upcoming assembly elections from Sonawar in Srinagar and Beerwah in Budgam district. NC activists from the two constituencies visited his residence here to express gratitude for the decision.

Omar said every constituency in the State was “dear” to him and would always receive equal and focused attention.

“For the greater goal of prosperity and dignity of J&K, the constituency from which I contest can never be a hurdle for our vision for our State and its people. Ganderbal, Sonwar, Beerwah and every single constituency of J&K is equally dear to me and will always receive equal and focused attention from me”, he said.

Omar, the working president of the NC, said his party has been the “courageous and honest voice” of the people of the State at every crucial juncture in its history.

“History bears testimony to the fact that NC has withstood numerous challenges and political intrigues in the past and has never ceased to represent the aspirations of the people above and beyond partisan and self-seeking politics. Owing to the association of NC with the people of this State at the grassroots level, our bond is timeless, sacred and will forever remain strong,” he said.

The chief minister said the NC had and would always treat politics as a means to a greater end and not as an ambition in itself.

“We have always looked at politics as a tool to uphold the dignity and aspirations of our people – as a medium to improve the lives of our people and set the edifice of a brighter future for our children. Our vision is that of a strong, prosperous and peaceful J&K, where our people live in peace, amity and strive for the growth and betterment of our state.

“Unlike others, we are not guided by the destructive, self-centred goal of power at any cost. I assure you that NC will always, without any inhibitions continue to be the voice of the people and we will always treat your trust,” he said.

Omar said he would continue to carry forward the legacy of his grandfather Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and would spare no efforts to nurture the state economically, socially and politically in line with the highest ideals of the ‘Sher-e-Kashmir’ (as Abdullah was popularly called).

Omar said the comprehensive and holistic development of the youth of the State has been his focus in politics and he would continue to bat for all-round development, employability enhancement, skill development and bright future for them.

“My party has always given foremost priority to the development and progress of our youth and we will continue to pursue a youth-oriented vision. My commitment to the youth is above and beyond politics and I will never cease to strive for their welfare and prosperity,” he said.

Praising party workers, Omar said, “Our workers faced unimaginable challenges with determination, dignity and valour and we will together continue in the pursuit of our vision for the state.”

The chief minister expressed hope that the people of the State would ensure a historic victory for NC in the elections and thanked the visiting delegations for reposing their “unfaltering faith” in him and the party. (AGENCIES)