India calls for intl action to strengthen nuclear security

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 4:  Recognising the threat of nuclear terrorism, India has called for effective international cooperation and responsible action by governments to strengthen nuclear security and prevent non-state actors from acquiring vulnerable atomic material.
“There is widespread recognition that the threat of nuclear terrorism is one of the pressing challenges facing the international community. Responsible national action and effective international cooperation are therefore required for strengthening nuclear security to prevent vulnerable nuclear material falling into hands of non-state actors,” First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations Abhishek Singh said.
Singh, in a statement on the annual report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at the UN General Assembly here yesterday, said India has consistently supported IAEA’s important role in facilitating national efforts to strengthen nuclear security and in fostering effective international cooperation.
He said as part of implementation of the arrangement with the IAEA concerning India’s voluntary contribution to the Nuclear Security Fund, the services of Indian cost-free expert in information security are being provided to the Division of Nuclear Security of the IAEA.
Singh noted that the universal adherence to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials (CPPNM) and early entry into force of its 2005 Amendment would go a long way in strengthening global efforts in the area of nuclear security.
The amended Convention would make it legally binding for states parties to protect nuclear facilities and material in peaceful domestic use, storage as well as transport.
Singh said India is party to the CPPNM and is amongst the countries which have ratified the 2005 amendment to the Convention.
Singh emphasised that India’s commitment to harnessing the benefits of nuclear energy for electricity production while according the highest priority to nuclear safety and security.
“India will need to rapidly raise the energy production to meet its growing energy requirements to achieve its developmental goals. Nuclear energy is an essential component of our energy basket,” he said. (PTI)