Demise of Diwan Singh

The demise of Captain Diwan Singh, erstwhile ADC to Maharaja Hari Singh, the last ruler of Princely State of J&K, on October 27, 2014,at a ripe age of 95,is really a great loss to the country in general and J&K State in particular.Col JP Singh,Retd in his write up ‘Captain Diwan Singh Passes into History’ (DE,Nov 2,2014) has paid this great Dogra a rich,glorious and befitting  tribute in his inimitable style.The ceremonial guard of honour presented to him by JAK Rifles in the attendance of ceremonial civil band at his funeral is  a rare honour which he so richly deserved.His unflinching loyalty to the Maharaja and dedication to social work is inspiring and worth emulating.His role as a  father is praise worthy.The fact that he sent his daughters to Sacred Heart Convent Dalhousie for higher education at a time when people would take little interest in educating their daughters, shows how farsighted person he was and how his thoughts were ahead of his times!
The learned writer has aptly remarked that with his demise’saga of Dogra history connecting the past with the present has come to an end’.It is the departure of such noble and great souls for their heavenly abode which creates a void in the real sense of the word in this mortal world, which is so difficult to be filled.The biographies of such great men and women need to be prominently highlighted in the print and electronic media in order to teach virtues and higher values of life such as sincerity, loyalty, dedication, struggle, obedience,social service which Captain Sahib epitomised but which are sadly fast vanishing from the society.The writer deserves all praise for this superb writeup on this great son of the soil and ‘ moving encyclopaedia on J& K history’.May his soul rest in peace!
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,
Lecturer in English, Govt.Hr. Sec.School, Barolla(Udhampur)