Public money for opulent monuments

R K Misra
It is often said that a  diplomat… is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip!.The same thing can be said for a potentate of a  politician like Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His celebration of the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel,India’s first home minister stands  out as a case in point.
The Sardar,it is widely felt in Gujarat, did not get his due for the critical role that he played,both in uniting India and thereafter.The ostensible aim in restoring his standing is  laudable,the objective in doing so is far removed  from  it. The quest for ‘appropriation’ of freedom struggle icons apart,the way  Modi went about it makes it clear that he was using  the Sardar to efface the official memory of  late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, whose death anniversary falls on the same day at the same time seeking to build a constituency for himself. While virtually ignoring the sacrifices of the first ever prime minister to be assassinated in office,he played on the killing  of the Sikhs  that had followed it,even  announcing  further compensation for the victims.  The taint of 2002 notwithstanding, Modi,as a BJP Prime Minister , is today heir to the legacy of  a liberal like Atal Bihari Vajpayee and it ill behoves one  who mouths lofty idealism to paddle pedestrian politics.
For a journalist  who has keenly tracked, for over three  decades, the onetime  RSS  pracharak   who rode pillion behind friend turned  bitter political rival  Shankersinh Vaghela,the ‘injustice’ to the  Sardar  was  an issue which came in handy to Modi after he assumed power as Gujarat Chief Minister in 2001.Modi was being hauled over the coals by the Congress opposition for his role in the 2002 communal riots that followed  the Godhra train carnage.Modi  resurrected the ‘Sardar’ issue to hit back seeking to provide historical linkage to himself and his Government terming it as the continuing injustice to Gujarat at the hands of the Nehru-Gandhi family.To encash the issue in the 2012 Vidhan Sabha elections,he announced the  ambitious project to build a statue of the Sardar in Gujarat which would be twice the size of the Statue of Liberty in the US.The move to collect iron for it from every village was a smart poll publicity campaign. It paid rich dividends. Modi swept the State Assembly elections.Simultaneously, as he raised his personal sights to the 2014 general elections, the project was immediately scaled up  for a national repeat of the same campaign objectives.
The Indian Prime Minister has gone on record to state that Gandhi would have been incomplete without Sardar. And  Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel who succeeded him has been quick to equate him with Sardar Patel.While performing the ‘bhoomi-pujan’ for  the Rs 176 crore ‘Shresth-Bharat’ bhavan slated to come up near the venue of the Rs3000 crore Statue of Unity,She said that”in the form of Narendra Modi we have got  Sardar Patel”.
Modi is not the first politician from Gujarat  to aspire  for the mantle of the ‘iron man of India’. Chief Minister Chimanbhai Patel  in his two stints in office was widely feted as the’chotte’sardar for taking on Medha Patkar and pursuing the construction of the Narmada dam. Hardliner L.K.Advani who was  the Home Minister and later the Deputy Prime Minister in the NDA Government headed by the soft hearted  Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee   widely invited comparison with the Nehru-Sardar duo.
For all the scaled up sound  and light to mark the event in Gujarat, the run for unity in Ahmedabad was more an official event with policemen leading while the general public participation was considerably whittled down. The lack of popular participation was evident in all the places.Interestingly none of the BJP leaders,ministers or other VIPs  participated in the run.
Both Gandhi and Sardar were epitomes of  simplicity with high standards of probity in personal life.The  irony  is that a Rs 3000 crore Statue is being  built in the name of a person who would not deign to spend a paise of public money on personal use and always wanted every pie to go for public welfare.Similarly a Rs 500 crore  Mahatma Mandir, an international level convention centre carrying the Mahatma’s name has come up in Gujarat’s capital of Gandhinagar.Can an opulent  structure built with public money ever be a monument to a simplicity espousing Mahatma? The   poverty stricken,slum dwellers  whose cause the Mahatma espoused  stay cheek-by jowl  with the Mahatma mandir but there presence is sought to be negated by a wall  which has been constructed to hide the  sight. A Rs 400 crore  addition to the secretariat was made in the shape of special wing to house the chief minister and other ministerial offices.
The heli-pad  less than half a km away was shifted to within the secretariat flanking the CMs office  for convenience. Do these two  national icons wedded to lifelong  simplicity need  opulent monuments to showcase the works of their life?Or are these monuments for others who seek immortality through osmotic  effect? Many, in Gujarat, would like to know why the Chief  Minister who ruled for 13 years never thought of something  to commemorate Indulal Yagnik, who led the Mahagujarat Struggle for statehood  and  had the gall to challenge  the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal  Nehru. Yagnik was  a simple man  who  never owned a car or even a bicycle but lived in the hearts of the people.A sea of humanity had turned  out on the streets  when he died  but  Modi never thought of a fitting memorial to him ,Why?The cruelest lies are often told in silence.EOM