Combating terror globally

India strongly pleaded for UN direct intervention in mobilizing international opinion in favour of combating religion based terror that has already taken parts of Middle East into its grip and is likely to expand its fangs to other regions of the world. The UN should use its powers and obligations to provide direction to the peace loving world of how terrorism has to be handled physically, ideologically and financially. The situation is grim as is apparent from the victories won by the radicals in Iraq and Syria. It is significant that thousands of volunteers from different parts of the world, including some of the developed countries, are headed towards the battle front in Iraq-Syria and are aligning with the radicals who are committing heinous crimes against humanity and with impunity. India has stated that no country can claim to be safe from the inroads of the terrorists. No country can singly succeed in checkmating influx of terrorists who come with a definite plan and strategy.
India has tasted the onslaught of international terror opening its clandestine entry in Mumbai in 2008. The conspiracy of Mumbai attack was hatched on the soil of a country that repeatedly claimed it would not allow terrorists to use the land for any activity against a third country. What is surprising is that despite a plethora of proofs provided to the authorities of the country from where the terrorists began their activities clandestinely, it has taken no action against the perpetrators of the crime. Moving away another step, it now claims that the people accused by Indian authorities are not the citizens of Pakistan nor are they traceable in Pakistan.
There is no doubt that some countries are not really serious in containing terrorists either on their soil or receiving financial and logistic support through their conduits in another country. International terror has a widespread network and the transparency that would help counter terrorism effectively is lacking at crucial levels. India believes that international community will need comprehensive legislation and consensus at UN level to chalk the roadmap of countering terror in all its forms and manifestations. It also means that the UN should take into account the fact that some countries are providing covert support to terrorist organizations and are making compromises with criminals for short sighted political gains or for satisfying the instinct of revenge against an adversary. Terrorism is a global phenomenon and some countries and agencies are trying to play down its dreadful designs just because they have either no understanding of global consequences of religion based terrorists or they are mollifying them for narrow political gains. In this way they are doing great disservice to mankind.
India has been the target of terrorist organizations which, by and large, are now linked to Al-Qaeda. It is the sitting Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahari, who has thrown open challenge to India  saying that Islamic Mujahideen have a well considered plan to wipe out democratic and secular system in India and restore that country to its real owners from whose hands  the British had wrested it. Actually affiliates of Al-Qaeda, both nascent as well as traditional, are already at their business in India. In particular, Jammu and Kashmir State of the Indian Union has been facing recurrent unprovoked firing and shelling at the International border and LoC by Pakistani troops. The saboteurs have admitted that they are closely linked to Lashkar-e-Toiba based in Pakistan with pronounced agenda of wresting the State of Jammu and Kashmir from the hands of India.
The irony is that on the one hand the US State Department has designated LeT as a terrorist organization and has imposed formal ban on it. At the same time it rushes to Pakistan army with cash doles under the pretext of helping curb terrorism and armed insurgency. Of late, terrorist organizations have established international network for fund raising to carry forward the agenda of jihadis. Governments have not been able to paralyse the network and make it dysfunctional. The main reason is that some shameless countries are trying very subtly but covertly to extend financial, logistic and moral support to terrorist organizations and sanctify them as crusaders undertaking a supreme mission enjoined upon them by their faith. In other words these supportive chapters give tuppence to international law, UN Charter, Human Rights Charter, human values and moral obligations. Global terrorism is decades old and it has consumed innocent, harmless and defenceless human beings in large numbers. The Security Council should have taken cognizance of this situation long back and galvanized peace loving international community into a strong alliance for common resistance to the menace. But political considerations and compulsions have deterred the UN and now India has taken the bull by its horns. Let us see what will be the reaction of the United Nations, a body to the Charter and agenda of which nearly two hundred member countries of the world remain committed.