Patronizing self styled God men

Shiban Khaibri
It is aptly said,” Shame says that because I am flawed, I am unacceptable; grace says that though I am flawed, I am cherished.” Grace surely lies unconquered and un-subdued being an outcome and a consequence of the truth and the ability of integrity while falsehood, deception and untruth lead to the ultimate harvesting of shame. The fort of fame and fortune built with the bricks and mortar of falsehood and that too feigning to be “nearer to God” gets demolished sooner or later but the act of demolishing is such that to put together the traces of remnants of the rubble becomes next to impossible. The Government of Haryana and its administration must be congratulated for handling the Rampal episode with utmost professionalism, restraint and humanism. In the pursuit of keeping the sway of the law of the land supreme and carrying out the orders of the judiciary scrupulously, self styled colourful “God – man Rampal” is finally behind the bars.
That law of the land cannot be afforded to be shown any disdain or engineered any alibi to find exits from its firm hold, was proven yet again with the smoking out the outlawed Rampal along with his very close accomplices from his well fortified den, popularly called by his misled followers as Ashram. Ashram is a word by itself denoting very much of simplicity, where one aspires to get rid of greed, lust, anger, materialistic pleasures and try to look into one’s inner to concentrate on purification of mind and soul to find and realize the truth of the Almighty. A den of sensuous luxuries, comforts, golden thrones, underground lifts, two storey deep basement, swimming pool, carpets,  energetic tonics to feel momentarily young, metal detectors, strong rooms and heavy doors, money and material and political patronage cannot be associated with Ashrams. They can be with thugs and robbers and dons and underworlds. Haryana government has done absolutely right in slapping the charges of sedition on Rampal  for he adopted falsified measures in calling his unsuspecting followers  (cannot be called as devotees) in thousands as he feared an imminent  Police crackdown for his various acts of breaking the law of the land. See the unforgivable treachery of this “Godman”, the followers comprised ladies, young girls, and children, old as well as young men, whom he used as a shield, walling them in three tiers against hundreds of Policemen. He cared least for their expected causalities in the ensuing storming in his den by the Police force. He treated them as bait, as a shield and as a target of the exercising of due force by the Police. Inside reportedly, there were petrol bombs, acid bottles, firearms, swords etc to “fight” the state machinery and perhaps overawe them to retreat. That the Haryana Police achieved their objective without causing any collateral damage to life and property, speaks well of how the new Government was to function like.
Who is responsible for making people like Rampal pronounce themselves as “sants” or saints? Who is responsible for people like Rampal build five storied 5 star luxurious dwelling called “Sat Lok Ashram” on a sprawling 12 acre land, replete with material comforts like indoor swimming pools, cameras all around to watch and keep surveillance, electronic safes, hydraulic lifts, milk showers, secret lifts, king-sized most luxurious cushioned beds with tantalizing bath rooms, 12feet high “Aasan” where the “God man” was practicing sorcery of deception called “satsang” and the like? Those people who believe in superstitions are responsible for making these symbols of vice and crime flourish and indulge in all types of non sense in the name of religion. People of Hissar and Barwala heaved a sigh of relief and rejoiced over his arrest as they were occasionally asked to pay in cash and kind in a fashion of extortion to sustain his “Ashram”. Superstitions and the blind faith that some Baba, Faqir, Sant , Mahatma etc were competent to change the luck and the fortune of the people forgetting that none could change any one’s destiny, is the crux of the matter. Another so called “Sant or Bapu” father son duo, master example of deception, currently cooling their heels in the jail after they were found allegedly involved in sexual exploitation of young girls and women, were raised much high only by some people by showering on them money, material, land, respect and fame and also  spreading words by  mouth about their “Kramaat” or wonders resulting in their amassing huge fortunes and building such Ashrams in many cities like spreading of business branches. Did not Rampal’s followers know that the milk collected after the “Baba” was bathing with it was used to make “kheer” and served to “devotees” as “Prasad”? Did they know that because of their generous donations to him, he had such a costly luxurious bullet proof car which was covered by extra layer of bullet proof sheet and all possible luxuries inside including an opaque curtain between his driver and him to “bestow godly blessings “on his selected accompanying “devotees”?
Blind faith, superstitions, zest to turn rich, qualify exams with top grades, business profits, winning court litigations etc, make these foxy clever cheats milk such innocent people and reach a situation  where they even dictate to the Government as many political leaders come  kneeling  down before such crafty professional self styled “Sants”  to solicit public support for votes and in turn shower on them as quid pro quo, allotment of public land either free of cost or just for a song followed by un interrupted more than adequate water and power supply and other facilities. The previous Governments’ role in this behalf needs to be probed on priority.
In the same way, we the people, very often blindly follow political leaders too out of caste, region, religion, language and other considerations without any discretion and many a time, make them reach a stage  wherefrom they behave as Royals and feudal lords making a mockery of the marginalized and the poor. The latest instance is the celebration of Samajwadi Party Chief, Mulayam Singh’s 76th birthday.  The whole city of Rampur in UP was turned into a celebration haven, involving govt. machinery, Police, administration, boys and girl students whose schools were closed  to be participants of the grand ostentatious event. 75 feet long cake, imported Victorian English  (vintage) Baggi for seating of Mulayam Singh to show off  through the streets of Rampur, top singers, dancers, cine actors, foreign invitees and what not, were reportedly associated with the event of a person who had sworn to follow socialist principles of Lohia . See the contrast; a young brave heart girl who fought a rapist and was burnt by him sustaining 75% burns was ousted from a UP Hospital as her father had no money for the treatment. Wherefrom came the funds for the Royal event was the question put to UP Minister Aazam Khan, convener of the event? Pat was the reply given contemptuously, “From Talibans, from Dawood, from Hafeez Sayeed”, this is all Talibani money.’