Condition of our jails

The present condition of our jails in India is not good. The criminals who are behind the bars are doing unlawful activities under the nose of jail officials who stand on duty. These criminals fight among themselves, often attack jail officials use drugs and go even for property damage in the jails. We are even watching that some criminals escape from prisons and our officials on duty stand helpless. Recently at Aggarhara jail a notorious one in the country where two lady prisoners have accused jail authorities of their exploitation. They have complained that lady prisoners are forcibly pushed towards to this act and if they resist they are tortured and are debarred from meeting their kith and kins. They are not also allowed to go on parole. This is the situation in Aggarhara jail of Banglore where high profile people are also imprisoned. The fate of our other jails is also not good. It is also oftenly complained that high profile people enjoy better and suitable facilities in jails in comparison to low. It looks that some grave loopholes are  present in the system  which need to be removed. The present system  needs overhauling to the extent where faith and  confidence of the people may be restored that has been shaken since long time before.
Yours etc…
S N Raina