Ladakh people brave sub-zero temperature to actively participate in battle of ballots

*Chinese Army too witnesses festival of democracy
Mohinder Verma

Despite sub-zero temperature, people waiting in queue to cast votes in a polling station near Leh town on Tuesday.
Despite sub-zero temperature, people waiting in queue to cast votes in a polling station near Leh town on Tuesday.

LEH, Nov 25: People of twin districts of high-mountain passes—Leh and Kargil did not allow sub-zero temperature to prevent them from taking active part in the battle of ballots as they weighed their developmental needs more than their personal comfort. Similarly, the polling parties too gave preference to their role in this largest democratic exercise at the cost of their bodily ease and protected the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) like their offspring so that people do not face any difficulty in timely exercising their franchise.
The severity of the climatic conditions can be gauged from the fact that maximum temperature in both the districts was below freezing point and it was a cloudy day but this could not dampen the enthusiasm of the electorates—be it aged, infirm and young, who came out in good numbers to elect their future representatives in the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly.
Though turnout in Leh and Nubra Assembly constituencies was slightly less as compared to 2014 Lok Sabha elections yet enthusiasm was at its peak and long queues were witnessed in majority of the polling stations amidst spine chilling temperature. “We get this opportunity after six years so the question of not availing the same doesn’t arise”, said 92-year old Urgain Chondol while casting her vote in Leh.
While showing the sign of casting vote, she remarked, “I never missed this opportunity during my life span and will continue to be part and parcel of electing our future representative till my last breath”. The participation of Urgain Chondol and large number of other voters of her age was clearly indicating the level of enthusiasm among the electorates to participate in the festival of democracy.
Stanzin Narboo, a first time voter from Nubra remarked, “this is really a pride moment to be part of the battle of ballots”. The enthusiasm of this young electorate can be judged from the fact that he tried to gather all the information about the Electronic Voting Machines and earlier system of casting votes when the Assembly elections were announced.
According to the reports, in Chushul, Chumur and Demchok, the electorates braved minus 10 degree Celsius temperature to take part in the battle of ballots. Similarly, there was minus 8 degree Celsius temperature in Nubra valley, Turtok, Tyakshi, Khemi, Pongsted and Disket when people exercised their franchise.
Similarly, the temperature in Kargil district was minus 11 degree Celsius.
Not only the electorates, even the polling parties too put weight behind their role at the cost of their bodily comfort and remained in the below freezing temperature for nearly two days to facilitate people to exercise their franchise. Though there was freezing temperature in almost all the polling stations of both the districts, it was minus 11 degree Celsius at several places. For the first time, these parties were provided Rs 1000 per polling station heating allowance so that they can effectively protect themselves from the severe winter.
These polling parties had not only to protect themselves but at the same time had to maintain the permissible limit of temperature around the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) so that these machines didn’t become non-functional because of damage to the batteries due to freezing temperature. Therefore, the polling parties had to protect the EVMs like their offspring by the machines in quilts and blankets. It was due to this care that EVM became non-functional only at two places in these districts.
In Nungsted area of Leh district, the EVM had to be replaced twice to facilitate smooth voting by the electorates while as in Balti Bazar Polling Station of Kargil constituency, EVM developed some snag early this morning and later it was replaced by the concerned authorities.
Indian Army, which plays crucial role in strategically important Ladakh region, too left no stone unturned to extend possible assistance to the polling parties. On the request of District Election Officers, the Army had appointed several Nodal Officers of the rank of Major and Lt Colonel to render help to the polling parties.
Chinese Army, which frequently enters into face-off with the civilians and Indian Army on Line of Actual Control, too acted as spectator to the festival of democracy. The personnel of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) watched the festival of its own kind in Demchok, where they generally indulge into incursion and face-off.
They witnessed, through their high resolution cameras installed on LAC towards their territory, how the people in this extreme corner of the country participate in the battle of ballots to elect their representatives in the State Legislative Assembly.
According to the reports, the enthusiasm among the electorates of border villages of both the districts was much as holistic development is still far cry for them and they were not ready to allow their weapon for the change to go waste.