Democracy has won in J&K: Modi

Sanjeev Pargal

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing public rally at Udhampur on Friday. Another pic on page 6. -Excelsior/Vasu
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing public rally at Udhampur on Friday. Another pic on page 6. -Excelsior/Vasu

JAMMU, Nov 28: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today declared that irrespective of the outcome of Assembly election results, democracy has won in Jammu and Kashmir following huge turnout in first phase of polling in the State with people giving very strong message to the world and making ballots triumph over the bullets.
Like his November 22 rally in Kishtwar, Modi continued to target the ‘dynastic and corrupt politics” pursued by the two `parivars’ (families) in Jammu and Kashmir and sought clear majority for the BJP to take the State to new heights. While in his Udhampur rally, he named Congress and NC but stopped short from naming PDP saying the people know all, in Poonch, he also targeted the PDP saying the politics of ‘Baap-Beta (father-son) and Baap-Beti (father-daughter), a direct reference to Farooq and Omar Abdullah and Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and Mehboob Mufti, has spoiled the State as they have looted funds worth ‘Arabs and Kharbs’ and declared that the BJP will make them accountable for this loot.
He declared that he has tightened screws of the rulers and won’t allow the funds given for welfare and development of the people to be looted. Describing politics of dynasty, family, nepotism and corruption as disease in Jammu and Kashmir, he called upon the people to get rid of this politics and vote the BJP Government to power with full majority and then see the results of development.
He said he can now say with confidence that the people were seeing a ray of hope in the BJP that it would end 30 years misrule in Jammu and Kashmir and stop the practice of loot by the two parties in turn. He declared that if voted to power, his party would end this loot in just five years and make Jammu and Kashmir, most developed and prosperous State full of development and opportunities for employment and tourism sector.
Modi wondered that it took Prime Minister 40 years to visit Poonch. Asking the huge crowd in Poonch as to how long it would take for them to travel from Poonch to New Delhi and vice versa. The reply from the crowd was two days.
“But you know it took Prime Minister 40 years to reach Poonch from New Delhi. It was 40 years back that any Prime Minister had visited Poonch last time,” he said, adding the last Prime Minister to visit Poonch was Morarji Desai.
“Why Poonch has still been deprived of rail track? If there will be no rail, how the area would develop. I want to develop Jammu and Kashmir. Development is my only agenda and I have come here with that. Give me absolute majority and see results of development,” the Prime Minister said.
“Democracy has won. The ballots have prevailed over the bullets. This has frustrated the militants. I express my gratitude to the people for this huge gesture in favour of the democracy by turning out in large numbers in first phase of elections and recording massive turnout of 70 per cent….80 percent,” Modi said addressing two huge election rallies at Udhampur and Poonch this afternoon in favour of party candidates in second phase of polling in the State, scheduled for December 2.
“Entire world has received your message. This is not an ordinary election. This could change thinking of the world on Jammu and Kashmir. By pressing the buttons of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in large numbers, you have told the world the truth of Jammu and Kashmir. You have defeated the bullets and shown the power of ballot,” Modi said referring to highest ever turnout of 71.28 per cent in the history of Jammu and Kashmir elections in first phase of polling for 15 Assembly constituencies.
He said: “I salute the electorates of Jammu and Kashmir on behalf of 125 crore Indians for braving all odds to make the power of ballot triumph over the bullets”.
Without referring to Arnia encounter here in which 12 persons including five civilians, three Army soldiers and four militants were killed in a terror attack, the Prime Minister said this (the huge turnout in elections) has frustrated the militants.
“The frustration was very high among the militants. But it is always the democracy, which decides the future of the people,” he said amidst thumping applause from cheering crowd at both Udhampur and Poonch towns, where people waited for two to four hours to listen to the Prime Minister.
Launching an attack on the separatists (without naming them), who had given the poll boycott call, the Prime Minister said: “those people were suppressing the power of ballots with bullets. For the first time people of J&K have strengthened themselves and pressed the ballot and have given their reply to the bullets by using the EVMs as a strong weapon in favour of democracy”.
“I have come for the second time for campaigning in J&K. For the first time I had gone to Chenab area (Kishtwar) in J&K. But the way polling has taken place, I want to congratulate those voters of J&K who have voted in large numbers and made democracy victorious,” Modi said.
Terming the high voter percentage in the first phase of the ongoing assembly election in the State as “historic”, Modi said that this would send a signal to the global community to help reshape its opinion about the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
“Let the world listen, whatever notion you had for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, you were misguided as the people of the State have now responded to those notions by pressing the button on the EVMs,” Modi said.
He said that the results would come out, “when they have too, but the people of Jammu and Kashmir have proven that the democracy has won.”
The Prime Minister said: “these elections would find place in the annals of the history books.”
In the first phase of Assembly elections, Jammu and Kashmir had registered a record 71.28 percent turnout. People had ignored the boycott calls by separatists and cold conditions to cast their votes in 15 constituencies. Second phase of polling is scheduled in 18 Assembly segments-nine each of Jammu and Kashmir divisions-on December 2.
Modi said the militants were frustrated because of the fact that they were feeling that despite the use of guns and bombs and killing people, democracy inside the State is still alive and has prevailed during the elections.
The Prime Minister said the people have shown that they are not going to be terrorized.
“With their morale high, they are going to decide the future of J&K in its democracy. I want to congratulate the people– it is not congratulation from Modi but from 125 crore people of India– every Indian is congratulating you– the entire country is proud of you”, Modi said.
The Prime Minister said: “a message has gone to the entire world– entire world has known what is in the hearts of J&K people. This message has gone to the world. You (people of J&K) have done a big work”.
He said Jammu and Kashmir has been stagnant for the last 30 years due to lack of development and accused the ruling NC, Congress and PDP of indulging in corruption and looting the State besides “emotionally blackmailing” people.
“Give us one opportunity to end this loot. The development which has not taken place in last 30 years, I will do it in next 5 years,” he said.
Quoting late Prime Minister and Congress leader Rajiv Gandhi that out of Re 1 sent by New Delhi, only 15 paisa reached the State, Modi recalled that then it was the Congress which ruled from Panchayat to Parliament, Street to New Delhi and wanted to know who had looted this 85 paisa.
“Who has pocketed this money? Who has looted the funds in Jammu and Kashmir? Those who gave the funds in the Centre and those who took here were Congress and NC Governments. They have all swindled the funds worth `Arabs and Kharbs’ (thousands of crores over these 30 years). All this was people’s money, which have been looted. I will bring the people’s money back. People will get the money,” Modi thundered amidst chanting of `Modi-Modi’ by the huge crowd.
In his rally at Udhampur, Modi named the Congress and National Conference as “looters of the funds” but stopped short of naming PDP saying the people know it all. “Yeh Janata Hai Sabkush Janati Hai (this is public. It knows all),” he added. However, it was in Poonch, where Modi also targeted the PDP along with NC and Congress by directly blaming the `Baap-Beta’ and `Baap-Beti’ for running the politics of dynasty in Jammu and Kashmir and depriving the State of development and the funds given by the Centre.
“Now, both ruling and Opposition parties are targeting me as their `malai’ ( a reference to funds of corruption) is under threat,” he said.
Declaring that he was now ‘Chowkidaar’ (Guard) of the people sitting in New Delhi as `Pradhan Sevak’, Modi declared that he would not allow even a penny to be looted from Jammu and Kashmir new.
“You have appointed me as your `Chowkidaar’ in New Delhi. I will do my duty. Also give us clear mandate and not fractured verdict in Jammu and Kashmir like you had given us six months back in Lok Sabha elections and we will make the State the most developed in the country,” the Prime Minister declared.
He asked the people to vote against dynastic politics in the state.
“Dynastic politics, family politics, politics of nepotism is a disease where father-son, father-daughter rule the State.
“This is a disease and I seek the help of the people to eradicate this disease,” Modi said targeting Abdullahs and Muftis.
Modi said today India was shining at the international level-be it the United States, Japan, Australia or Nepal as everywhere “we are getting overwhelming response. He wanted to know from the crowd the reasons for it. While the people chanted `Modi-Modi’, the Prime Minister said it was due to 125 crores Indians that a strong message of the country has gone to the world that there was a strong nation and strong Government at the Centre.
“The world leaders didn’t see Modi but the power of 125 crore Indians behind him, who have voted a strong Government in the country,” he said.
In an attempt to strike an emotional chord with the residents of border district of Poonch, Modi said he owes a lot to the people of the region and he wants to repay them by developing the area.
“Though this is my first visit to Poonch as the Prime Minister, but earlier when I was working at the organisation level of the party, I used to travel in this place on bus and there are many people who used to offer me tea, food and shelter.
“I want to repay them with brining complete development in this area,” he said.
He asked the people of Jammu and Kashmir to “close the shops” of political parties which did not fulfill promises and looted the State, and assured that there will be no dearth of money for development if BJP is voted to power.
The Prime Minister said that both the ruling parties in the State and Opposition parties were against him as he had “tightened the screws” of the funds that were being sent to the State.
“Earlier, they were the givers at the Centre and they were the takers in the State, but now that I have tightened the screw, they dislike me. They have strategy to loot the money and Modi has become a hurdle.
“You people have installed a guard at Delhi who is safeguarding your money,” Modi said.
He said the people of the State have equal right on the “treasury” of the Government of India.
“There will be no dearth of money for the development of this state,” Modi said, while making an appeal to the voters to vote to end corruption and form a stable Government in the State.
“The Centre has pumped so much money for the development of Jammu and Kashmir that if it was distributed and directly deposited into the bank accounts of the resident here, you people would have been the richest people in the country,” Modi said.
The Prime Minister appealed to the people to punish those who “robbed” money meant for them.
“But, you people never got anything. You know who are the people who have been robbing your money and now if you want those people to be punished and take back every single penny from them, you should help form a strong BJP Government in Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.
“Corruption, loot and emotional blackmailing– this has become a habit of the politicians of Jammu and Kashmir”, Modi said.
“Huge amount of money has come from Centre. It was deposited only with some families. Do you want to take back this looted money from them or not. Give us one opportunity to end this loot”, Modi said.
He said that he will focus on rebuilding the tourism industry in Jammu and Kashmir, which is the mainstay of economy of the State referring to the formation of BJP Government at the Centre, he said: “see the power of full majority. When any top leader of the world shakes hands with Modi, he does not see Modi, but 125 crore people of India. This is the power.
“If you want that for Jammu and Kashmir, then vote for a BJP Government with majority.”
He added that just like India was getting strong at the international level, Jammu and Kashmir will be number one in the country is there was BJP Government in the State with full majority. “Give me majority and I will ensure `sampooran vikas’ (total development) of the State,” he called upon the electorates.
“Indian wants to visit this place, but how can they come here when there is no rail link to this area”? Modi asked.
He said that half of the problems of the people of the State would get eradicated if corruption in the system was removed.
“If you remove corruption from the system half of your problems will be resolved.
“BJP wants vote for development, for generating employment opportunities to controlling irregularities for providing quality education, for good health system to the people of the State,” he said.
Referring to his visit to the State during the recent floods, he said, “I consider your pain as mine, I consider your sufferings as mine. That is the reason why I did not celebrate Diwali and came here to spend the day with the victims of the floods in Jammu and Kashmir.
“I came here to wipe the tears from the eyes of the people who suffered because of the floods in the State,” Modi said.
“We have decided that no time will be wasted in sending whatever that the State needs. But I will also make sure that we know where every rupee sent from Delhi is spent,” he said.
Promising development, Modi assured that he working on providing job opportunities for the youth in the state.
Modi said he was probably the only Prime Minister who has come to the State every month (July till now).
“I have come here to either to promote development or to be with the people in time of their sadness,” Modi said adding he had spent his Diwali in the State.
While terming late Brigadier Pritam Singh who laid down his life in 1948 while repelling a Pakistani attack as the saviour of Poonch, Modi appealed the voters in Poonch to help save the state by voting in favor of BJP.
“I paid a visit to his memorial when I reached here as Pritam Singh gave his life for us. If Sardar Pritam Singh would not have been there what would have been our fate.
“He saved Poonch and now it is the duty of the people of Poonch to save the entire Jammu and Kashmir, that is why I appeal for an absolute majority from you people,” he said.
Modi credited the people of the country for the respect that the country has been getting at the global platform.
“You know the reason why the world is now eager to recognise us, whenever a world leader shakes hand with me he does not only shake hands with Narendra Modi but he shakes hands with 1.25 billion people of the country,” Modi said.
Modi also referred to local problems including that of “baaridars”, who were ousted when Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board had taken over affairs of the holy cave shrine after removing them (the baaridars). “The BJP Government in the State will solve problems of the “baaridars” permanently,” he assured.
Referring to the condition of Devika, the Prime Minister said Devika is called elder sister of Maa Ganges.
“I’m coming from Kashi. We are working for the welfare (of Maa Ganga). If we work for younger sister, it would be injustice if we do nothing for the elder. We have to work for welfare of Devika. We need blessings of not only the people of Udhampur but all three regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh to fulfill your dreams,” Modi said.
He also referred to the problems of uniformed men including Home Guards, police constables, SPOs, VDCs etc saying they were performing their duties under stress. “Our Government will take responsibility of solving your problems,” he said.
Asserting that the youths didn’t ask for bungalows but just the jobs, the Prime Minister said his Government was ready to work for the youths if given a chance.
“When entire world is developing, why can’t Jammu and Kashmir but there are no industries, tourism potential is not being tapped. Goddess Vaishno Devi has given power for economic development of Jammu and Kashmir and how many opportunities do we need. Now only the will power is required and that our Government in the State will provide,” he said.
He referred to Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s dream project of rail to Kashmir and said his Government has taken the train to Katra. He added that his Government would tap the water of river Chenab and taken them to the houses of the people.
Referring to `Jan Dhan Yojana’, the Prime Minister said a large number of poor people saw the banks first time in their lives and within 60 days, Rs 7000 crores were deposited in the banks. “The previous Governments wanted the people to remain poor for political interests but we are determined to raise standard of the living of people”.
Modi said that lack of proper sanitation facilities for girls in the schools was the reason behind their leaving the education midway and attacked Congress for “ignoring” the issue in the last 60 years.
“When the girl student reaches the age where she realises this (lack of female toilets in the school) she leaves her education midway. As they leave their education midway they remain uneducated.
“Our daughters must also get equal chance to quality education,” Modi said. Criticising opposition parties for targeting him for giving priority to “minor issues”, Modi said that, he gives priority to the issues which he feels were ignored for the past 60 years.
“They ignored these issues for the past 60 years and that is why the country suffered.
“After 60 years of independence there should have been separate toilets for girl students in every school. But for the past 60 years they could not provide separate toilets to girls and as result the female students had to leave their education midway,” Modi said.
He said that the lack of proper sanitation at every household was a cause of concern that he wanted to address.
“Our daughters and sisters face such a humiliation when they have to go out, they wait for the dark for this purpose as they have to go in the open. They too have a right to self-respect, every household should get a toilet.
“They (Congress) had no time for this, but this is my mission to provide this facility to our women,” Modi said.
The Prime Minister said that his Gvernment was committed to provide the people of the State a chance of quality education and generate employment avenues for the youth of the state.
“I don’t want the children to leave their elderly parents and move outside in search of jobs, the BJP Government will be committed to provide education avenues to the youth of the state,” Modi said.
He said that development was his ‘mantra’ to address the issues being faced by the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
“From Poonch, I promise the people of Jammu and Kashmir that we will fulfil your dreams and will bring development here,” Modi said.
He promised to bring train service to this mountainous region. “You don’t have train connectivity, give us a chance and you will be connected with the rest of the country,” he said.
Modi said that if given a chance he will make Jammu and Kashmir the “number one State” in terms of development.
“We will do our part and you have to do your part by giving us an absolute majority. Give us absolute majority and we will give you absolute development.
“The things that did not happen in the past 60 years, I promise to make those happen in the next five years,” Modi said.
While referring to the development in Kutch district in Gujarat when he was the Chief Minister, Modi said if Kutch can be developed, Jammu and Kashmir too could be developed.
“When I went to Kutch after becoming the Chief Minister of Gujarat, I decided to do something for the region.
“The area is situated along the India-Pakistan border and have the largest Muslim population of the state (Gujarat), I undertook the development work in the area and today people there have 24 hours of electricity, water supply and all other facilities,” he said.
Modi said that the district of Kutch has become one of the fastest developing districts in the country.
“The people have factories producing iron pipes spread over an area of 15 sq km in Kutch.
“The power production in less than 10 kilometer area of the district is much more than the entire power produced in the state of Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.
Modi said he wanted to do similar things for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
“Give me a chance, press the button of Lotus. BJP and I have come to fulfill your dreams,” he said.
He said that Jammu and Kashmir was blessed with tremendous natural beauty and he wants to tap the potential to generate employment for the people of the state.
“You are blessed with natural resources and I am ready to develop those. I am sure you people will make history.
“The power of democracy will give you development,” Modi said.
He said that it was after 30 years that a strong and decisive Government was set up in the Centre and that only a strong and decisive Government in Jammu and Kashmir can fulfill the developmental aspirations of the people of the State.

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