Successive Govts plundered Central funds: Raj Babbar

Mir Iqbal

Senior Congress leader and veteran Bollywood actor Raj Babbar along with PCC chief Saif–ud-Din Soz addressing a press conference in Srinagar on Saturday. -Excelsior/Amin War
Senior Congress leader and veteran Bollywood actor Raj Babbar along with PCC chief Saif–ud-Din Soz addressing a press conference in Srinagar on Saturday. -Excelsior/Amin War

SRINAGAR, Nov 29: Bollywood actor and Congress leader, Raj Babbar today said that the successive regimes in Jammu and Kashmir plundered the Central funds.
Babbar said that funds coming from New Delhi did not reach to the people of the State. “I have been saying this since 1982 that Central Government funds meant for development of the State are not reaching to the people,” he told press conference here.
The Congress leader said: “Leave aside politics, I sincerely said it by the core of my heart that people feel deprived of their rights as funds are not reaching to them’, adding this is the reason that people here feel that they have not been given their due.”
However, he said the Congress party under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi intended that people should get their rights. “When UPA Government was at the Centre we started a policy that money should directly reach to the people (Aap Ka Paisa Aap Ke Haath),” he said.
The Congress leader alleged that BJP’s policy was to suppress the voices of the people of J&K. He said the Congress party considers J&K as crown of the country.
There is need to understand the feeling of the people to mitigate their sufferings. We meet youth and may not fulfill all their demands but we want to see them happy”, he said.
The Congress leader asserted that Congress would emerge as a single largest party in the State in the assembly polls.
Replying to a question that BJP has been accusing that only two families were ruling the State, Babbar said: “I don’t want to talk on this. I have been listening this since 1982 that there are seven dynasties in J&K. These things do happen in politics.”
The Congress leader admitted that anti-incumbency factor led the Congress defeat in the Parliamentary polls that had ruled for 10 years. “These phases come and go. We should not feel distressed as we had faced such situations in 1977 and 1986,” he said.
The J&KPPC president, Saifuddin Soz, on the occasion didn’t endorse the views of his party colleague saying “it was not fair to blame the entire Government for usurping central funds”.
“It is unacceptable that all funds are not reaching to the people. We are not happy with the State Government but Prime Minister has been only resorting to propaganda. I am not happy with this outgoing Government because governance was one of the poorest for various reasons,” Soz said.
The JKPCC chief said there cannot be a Uniform Civil Code in the country and the Prime Minister should “understand” the mood of a democracy.
Soz said the Congress party had existence in all three regions of the State. “We are sure of winning four Assembly seats of Ladakh region and Bandipora and Gurez constituency. First phase of elections has gone in favour of the Congress party,” the state Congress chief said.
The Congress president claimed that Narendra Modi was alone running the Government with the support of RSS. “Those who compare Modi with Vajpayee are wrong and BJP is contesting elections on the communal lines,” he added.