State actors in Pak trying to destabilise India: Rajnath


Blaming “state actors” in Pakistan for making attempts to destabilise India, Home Minister Rajnath Singh today said the neighbouring country has not abandoned its efforts to harm the country through “various tactics”.
The Home Minister, while addressing the country’s top police brass, spoke on various issues including threats from terror groups like Al-Qaeda and said the country was geared up to face such challenges.
Inaugurating the annual conference of police chiefs, the Home Minister said Pakistan continues to take the alibi of “non-state actors” being involved in subversive activities in India.
“If non-state actors are involved in terrorist acts in India, then is ISI a non-state actor? It is the state actors who have a role in trying to destabilising our country. Pakistan has not abandoned its efforts to harm India through various tactics,” he said.
During the conference, being held outside Delhi for the first time, Singh talked about the vanishing support to terror groups in Jammu and Kashmir and said Pakistan was still supporting such networks.
The recent heavy turnout during the first phase of polls in the State and attendance of people in political rallies was enough an indication for terror groups about the ground realities in the state, he said at the conference which has been organised by the Intelligence Bureau.
The meeting attended by DGPs and IGPs of all states, union territories and chief of paramilitary forces would be addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi tomorrow.
Describing as a threat to the nation Al Qaida’s declaration to form a wing — Qaeda-ul-Jeh — for the Indian sub-continent, Singh said the global terror group’s intention was to bring Bangladesh, Assam, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir and some other parts of the country under its grip which the country would not allow to happen.
“Although this terror group was born out of Syria and Iraq, the Indian sub-continent cannot remain untouched by this menace and we need to understand this. It is also a matter of concern that some Indian youths have been attracted to ISIS. We cannot take it lightly. We take it as a challenge”, he said.
Referring to the October 2 blast in Burdwan in West Bengal where Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) was allegedly involved, the Home Minister said the incident had reflected that many foreign forces were misusing India’s soil for their nefarious design.
“We have to check all these forces with our might,” he said.
The Home Minister talked about the failed attempt by the South Asia wing of the Al Qaeda to hijack a frigate of the Pakistan Navy and said the terror group was planning to target American and Indian Naval ships through the Pakistan Naval vessel if they could hijack it.
“What is of more concern for us is that some of the Pakistan Navy personnel were also involved in it. We should prepare ourselves to meet this challenge and I am sure victory will be ours,” he said.
Singh said many foreign terrorist groups think that since a large number of Muslims live in India, they can recruit many of them in their fold and fight for creation of an Islamic country.
“But Indian Muslims are patriotic and they have been fighting for the protection of their mother land since Independence. Indian Muslims are always ready to fight for the security and sovereignty of the country. And that is why such terrorist groups will not succeed,” he said.
The Home Minister said though terror groups were carrying out attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria or Libya, there evil designs will never get fulfilled in India.
Talking about the September floods in Jammu and Kashmir, Singh said relief and rehabilitation work has to be completed quickly as otherwise “some terror groups may be able to lure some youths into their fold”.
The Home Minister said violence in Jammu and Kashmir has been reduced considerably even though a few incidents have taken place in the recent past.
“The militant groups have not been able to recruit local youths. But Pakistan continues to support such groups,” he said.
Singh said no one has thought that there would be such a high percentage of polling in Jammu and Kashmir and the election has reflected that people’s fear has been reduced significantly.
Referring to activities of the CPI(Maoist), the Home Minister said violence by the red ultras has reduced to a great extent but efforts to wipe out the menace will continue.
“The Maoist problem is currently in 10 states. If it is going to be a problem for only one state, it is a challenge for us,” he said.
The Home Minister said the Government was ready for holding peace talks with the Maoists but they have to abandon violence first.
Favouring close coordination between central and State Governments in the fight against the Naxals, he asked the State Governments to deploy best officers in the lead role of the anti-Naxal operations.
Talking about the problems of the Northeast, Singh said nearly 100 insurgents groups were operating in the region and some of the them have entered agreements with the Government for ceasefire.
“Lack of development, lack of infrastructure and economic backwardness have contributed to the problems of the Northeast. I want to give assurance that our Government will do whatever possible for the welfare of the people of the region,” he said.
Voicing concern over growing use of cyber space by anti-national and anti-social forces, the Minister said steps should be taken to monitor cyberspace.
He also said that the coastal security network is inadequate and should be strengthened.
Singh said the role of country’s police forces and the intelligence agencies has been crucial in ensuring security to the people of the country.
He said the men in uniform fill him with a sense of pride and responsibility and gave an assurance that the police force would be modernised and made people-friendly.
The Home Minister also urged the states to fill up the vacancies in police forces and assured them of all possible help.
Singh paid homage to all police personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty and sanctioned Rs 50 crore for construction of a police memorial in Delhi. (PTI)