Reviving tourism sector

Almost all the political parties in fray have promised in their poll manifestoes to  revive tourism industry in the State in the wake up of recent floods in the State. The industry got a severe beating with almost all tourism infrastructure getting badly hit. The tourism inflow witnessing a sharp decline, almost to a trickle.
To revive the industry in the State would be one of the biggest challenges before the next Government.
It has to dispel the negative image that got painted on the midscape of tourists across the world. Besides, recreating the necessary infrastructure, the Government has to give wide publicity to tourist places to lure visitors. The hotliers and other stake holders should jointly come out with a detailed plan to revive the Industry.
Needless to mention here, tourism is the backbone of State’s  economy and many people are associated with it. The new Government must attach priority to this sector  to bring it back on rails.
Yours etc…
Rajesh Sharma
New Plot, Jammu