Mufti trains guns on Omar over Guru’s hanging

PDP patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed addressing a gathering at Pulwama.
PDP patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed addressing a gathering at Pulwama.

Mir Farhat
PULWAMA, Dec 5: People’s Democratic Party (PDP) patron Mufti Sayeed today took a dig at Chief Minister Omar Abdullah over the hanging of Parliament convict Afzal Guru, saying the CM and former Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, should “hang their heads in shame for giving consent to the hanging of Guru”.
“Afzal Guru won’t have been hanged without the consent of the Chief Minister. The Prime Minister (Manmohan Singh) and Chief Minister should hang their heads in shame for not giving an opportunity of a meeting of his son and wife with him before he was hanged. They did not allow his family to bury him in his graveyard,” Mufti said in his address to PDP supporters in a poll rally in Pulwama town.
Referring to the execution by hanging of then Pakistan Prime Minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Mufti said that General Zia Ul Haq had sent a special flight for Bhutoo’s wife, Nusrat Bhutoo, and daughter Benazir Bhutto, to meet him.
He said that before Afzal Guru there was a long list of people convicted for crimes, including Rajiv Gandhi’s killers, and the killers of Punjab Chief Minister.
“Afzal Guru was brought ahead from serial number 28 and hanged,” Mufti said. Hitting out at National Conference’s President Farooq Abdullah, and Working President Omar Abdullah, Mufti said that the autonomy resolution passed by the 60-member strong Assembly in 2000 was thrown in dust bin by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led NDA Government.
“Dr Farooq Sahab, you didn’t resign from the Assembly as Chief Minister. You (Farooq Abdullah) worked on the same salary. Omar Abdullah didn’t resign from the Atal Bihari’s Government as he was a Minister in his Government,” Mufti said.
The PDP patron said that National Conference looted the resources, rivers and institutions of the Jammu and Kashmir.
“JK Bank was our only institution. Whenever we needed money we drew for it. But, the National Conference handed its keys to India,” he said, referring to the takeover of JK Bank by Reserve Bank of India during National Conference’s rule.
“If you vote for NC, they will sell your dignity and chastity,” Mufti said. Contradicting Party’s senior leader and Member Parliament Muzafar Hussain Beigh’s view that neither Jammu and Kashmir Assembly nor Indian Parliament can revoke Article 370, Mufti said that even the Parliament cannot remove it. “Only the State Assembly can abrogate Article 370. And do not send traders in that Assembly,” Mufti said.
Lashing out at Indian media, he said that he does not understand why Indian media was “vitiating the atmosphere” in the State.
“I don’t understand what the Indian media is talking about. When people of Jammu and Kashmir vote, Indian media says they are voting against separatists. They in a way are trying to vitiate the atmosphere,” said Mufti, adding that they would not allow disturbance in Kashmir.
Mufti said that India and Pakistan cannot progress unless the two countries move shoulder to shoulder with each other.