No need of sermons from Omar: Sajjad

Excelsior Correspondent
Jammu, Dec 8: People’s Conference chairman, Sajjad Gani Lone today said the tweet by Omar Abdullah insinuating that we arranged vehicles for Prime Minister’s rally is yet another sign of his  drift into a state of complete delusion.
“If we desired to help anybody we would do it openly, unlike Mr. Abdullah who attacks BJP by the day and goes down on his knees by the night,” Lone said.
Lone said Omar should introspect and look within whether he is in a position to sermonize and lecture me.
“This person who has been a poster boy of a BJP led Government in the past, this person who ordered killing of youngsters in the 2010 agitation, this person who endorsed and Okayed the hanging of Afzal Guru, this person’s father as Chief Minister signed the warrant of hanging of Maqbool Bhat, this person’s party expelled Saif-ud-Din Soz for voting against BJP, this person’s father rejoiced when POTA was extended to J & K and expressed joy at POTA making an all India debut in J & K has the audacity to point fingers at someone who has never been in power,” he said.
Sajjad said  let Omar answer  how many people were detained under his or his father’s rule under the draconian PSA, how many people were killed in faked encounters under him and his father’s rule.
Let Mr. Omar know that while he was enjoying his stay outside J & K in the early nineties, I was jailed and interrogated and tortured like thousands of fellow Kashmiris. I take pride in being a commoner and having suffered like the rest of the common populace. I don’t have to prove my Kashmiri credentials to NC or for that matter the PDP. Let both of them have a peep into their past. I could write a book on the injustices against the people of Kashmir by the National Conference, “he said.
Sajjad said Omar is particularly frustrated because in all probabilities he is going to face defeat in both the constituencies at the hands of our candidates, Laldin Mir in Sonwar and  Dawood Bilal Lodhi in Beerwah.