Jammu people should dump Valley-centric parties: Sham

Excelsior Correspondent

Cong candidate Sham Lal Sharma addressing public meeting at Zad in Akhnoor.
Cong candidate Sham Lal Sharma addressing public meeting at Zad in Akhnoor.

AKHNOOR, Dec 11: Minister for PHE, I&FC and Congress candidate from Akhnoor, Sham Lal Sharma today said that people from Jammu should dump the Kashmir centric parties besides the BJP which always exploited people on   the communal lines for vote bank politics.
Addressing election rallies at  Kodewalla, Bheri Taryal, Jad, Sadaran and Chak Kiropalpur  today, Mr Sharma launching attack on Kashmir centric  parties alleged that they are  perpetuating political instability in the State by  disputing the integration of  the State with Union of India for the sake of political gains. They now have another  ally- BJP who shifted stand on 370 with their one point mission of grabbing power in State and opted to hijacked Hurriyat Conference and NC agenda. He said when Congress proposed Regional Development Councils with federal features to have democratic elected character, why none else dared to adopt it as their manifesto, too.
For Kashmir based parties, to play with people’s sentiments remained only agenda while BJP totally backtracked from issues like Article 370. Seeking justice for Jammu have NC and Separatists agendas to keep Jammu as second fiddle to Kashmir. Mr Sharma claimed, he being son of the soil had chosen the path of struggle for Jammu rights and  need no certificate from anyone. “While  in Cabinet despite Kashmiris predominance I fought for the interests of Jammu sacrificing my ministerial chair. I have satisfaction of getting my party support on RDCs and reservations for IB residents,” he maintained.
He ridiculed those elements who feel shy to see 4 bridges on river Chenab, Degree College at Akhnoor, beautification of Chenab Ghats, TRC,  upgraded schools, new hospital, road connectivity, better power and water supply in the city and entire rural areas.
Mr Sharma said that  Jammu people now should decide the fate of divisive BJP and anti-Jammu, Kashmir based regional parties, to safeguard their distinct political identity and vote for Congress to seek redressal of their grievances.