Time has come to change corrupt regime: Rangil Singh

Excelsior Correspondent

Jammu, Dec 12: People’s Democratic Party (PDP) spokesperson and former Minister Sardar Rangil Singh today toured the border belt of Samba district and exhorted upon the masses to vote for the PDP candidate Sunny Sangral.
Rangil Singh addressed a meeting at party office Samba where youth in numbers participated and pledged to work on ground to spread the message of party leadership among the masses across the nook and corners of the Samba district. Later on, Singh along with senior PDP leaders and active supporters of the party addressed meetings in the border areas.
Rangil Singh, while addressing public in Rakhguwala Balori, Gorkha Katal, Pangdhor village, said that time has come to change the corrupt regime of National Conference-Congress through the power of votes and people should exercise their franchise to form a new and transparent government in the state.
He said that candidates of Congress as well as NC committed repeated mistakes while they were in power and their stewards made full attempts to hush up their mistakes rather than punishing them and same is the reason that public has lost faith in the leadership of the NC as well as Congress party and its policies.
Taking a dig at the BJP, he said the promises made by party’s star campaigner and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are proving hollow as borders are till tense and people in the border belt are facing extreme hardships in their day to day life.
“Only PDP has emerged as a party with a difference which is being accepted by masses all across the state for its policies. I appeal you to defeat all threats and chilly weather and vote for the strengthening of democracy by voting for a candidate who is known for his merits rather than his family background”, said Rangil Singh.
Vice President of youth wing of PDP Rajendra Manhas also addressed the meetings.