BJP to launch nationwide agitation on agriculture issue

NEW DELHI, July 26:
Accusing the Centre of adopting insensitive approach towards agriculture and farmers, the  BJP today said it will launch a nationwide agitation from  August 3-8 on the issue.
“The BJP has decided to launch a nationwide agitation by staging demonstrations and dharnas between August 3-8 at each district headquarters against the insensitive and complacent attitude of the UPA government towards drought relief and the continuation of an anti-farmer fertiliser policy,” senior BJP leader Rajnath Singh told a press conference here.
He said demonstrations will be followed by a massive protest  at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on August 20 which will be attended by farmers from across the country.
Mr Singh said the agitation was approved in a meeting of the BJP core group yesterday.
The former BJP president alleged that the country was facing  a severe drought-like situation with overall Monsoon deficiency  of 23 per cent so far.
“The situation has become complicated in recent days for people in general and farmers in particular due to inadequate response from the Centre. The government ignored the indications of the Meteorological Department that there could be a drought this year,” Mr Singh added.
He alleged that Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and the whole government was responsible for the situation.
Mr Singh added that now the government “suddenly woken up  from its deep slumber” and directed all departments and ministries to coordinate with states to meet any eventuality by monitoring the monsoon situation on a weekly basis.
The former Union Agriculture Minister alleged that the government was busy to solve differences between the Congress and other UPA partners and it has no time for farmers.
“Even after these pronouncements, no follow up action has been taken. Implementation of drought relief measures has taken a hit due to this internal strife for power among coalition partners,” Mr Singh commented.
He said sowing of Kharif crops like paddy, pulses and coarse grains like Millet, Jowar and Ragi is short by millions of hectares compared to normal and this is unlikely to be made up.
The BJP MP claimed that situation in drought-affected  rural areas is quite grim as the long dry spell has rendered  large number of small and marginal farmers jobless.
Mr Singh also claimed that there were reports coming that farmers were committing suicide in Bundelkhand and Vidarbha regions.
He said the UPA government should come up with a permanent solution to the problems faced by farmers during natural calamities.
“When the NDA government was in power, the Farm Income Insurance Guarantee scheme was launched but it was withdrawn by the UPA regime. The scheme gives guarantee of income to  farmers. The scheme should be implemented immediately,”  the BJP leader demanded.
He alleged that after the introduction of Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) regime in April 2010, the prices of fertilisers  have spiralled manifold. There has been nearly 100 to 300 per cent jump in the prices of NPK fertilisers and other nutrients since then.
Mr Singh, also former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, demanded immediate rollback of the increased prices of fertilisers in the country.
He urged the government to waive off the interest payable on farm loans for this year and reschedule the loans in long term.
“The farm loans should be given at zero per cent in near future as done by some of BJP-ruled state governments,” he added.
Mr Singh further demanded that existing surplus food grains stock in the country which the government was finding difficult to store in warehouses should be distributed free of cost to poor and needy living in drought affected areas.
“A separate centralised monitoring cell should be constituted to constantly monitor the rainfall situation and the progress of the Kharif season on a daily basis,” he added.
Mr Singh said farmers should be provided free electricity this year. (UNI)