NC-Cong Govt ignored Bani’s tourist potential: Dr Jitendra

Excelsior Correspondent

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh at a public meeting during his election tour of Bani Assembly constituency  on Saturday.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh at a public meeting during his election tour of Bani Assembly constituency on Saturday.

BANI, Dec 13: Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS in PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Space and Atomic Energy today addressed series of public meetings at Tapper, Dogani and other areas of Bani Assembly constituency  where he called upon people to vote for BJP for ending injustice and discrimination meted out to the region by successive State Governments.
Referring to natural scenic beauty as well as rich cultural and art heritage of Bani, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, the Kashmir- centric  Government has been deliberately ignoring the prospect of developing the tourist potential of this area and promoting its art.
If developed seriously, Dr Jitendra Singh said, Bani can attract major share of tourists from Kashmir valley and that is perhaps the reason that Kashmir-centric Governments have always deliberately ignored Bani.
Within his brief tenure of just six months as MP from this constituency, Dr Jitendra Singh claimed, he had already mooted a plan for developing a “Bani-Himachal tourist circuit” but lack of cooperation from the NC-Congress State Government was causing the delay. If BJP is voted to power in the State, this project can be pursued with speed and seriousness, he added.
Dr. Jitendra Singh said , it is a strange contradiction that even as this area is only a few kilometres away from the Pathankot – Kathua railway line, the State Government never made a serious bid for a rail link for this area which would have boosted both tourism as well as economy.
He said, rising above considerations of community and caste, people of Bani have always stood for the principles and policies of BJP and expressed confidence that this time also they would overwhelmingly vote for BJP.
Dr. Jitendra Singh appealed for a vote for BJP so that  long standing demands of the   area can be addressed.
Reiterating the demand for a separate hill district comprising Bani-Basohli-Billawar, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, BJP has already recognized it as a separate district but the Government has not.
Jeevan Lal, the BJP candidate for Bani, also accompanied Dr Jitendra during the tour.