Omar condemns Taliban attack in Pakistan school

SRINAGAR: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today condemned the Taliban assault on a Pakistani school that left more than 120 dead and said “inhuman” and “barbaric” words were not enough to describe the perpetrators.

“What terrible, heart breaking images of the attack in #Peshawar. Inhuman and barbaric don’t even begin to describe the perpetrators,” Omar tweeted.

Lashing out at the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan which has claimed responsibility for the attack, Omar said they have converted the school into a killing field.

“Schools are supposed to be places of sanctuary & today these Godless animals have converted one in to a killing field,” he wrote on Twitter.Com.

The Chief Minister also criticised people who were of the opinion that Pakistan was getting what it deserved.

“And to my fellow countrymen who say Pakistan got what it deserves – SHAME ON YOU. They are children likes yours and mine,” he added. (AGENCIES)