Mufti backs PM’s bid of checking misuse of Central funds in J&K

Nishikant Khajuria

PDP patron Mufti Mohd Sayeed in public meeting at Marh on Tuesday.
PDP patron Mufti Mohd Sayeed in public meeting at Marh on Tuesday.

JAMMU, Dec 16:  Accusing National Conference and Congress of plundering the public money in Jammu and Kashmir, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) patron Mufti Mohd Sayeed today backed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision of squeezing flow of Central funds to the State for checking misuse of the same and said that this development was vindication of his allegations against the ruling coalition partners.
“During the last six years of NC-Congress rule, the developmental funds either remained un-utilized or miss-utilized for personal gains of the coalition partners in Jammu and Kashmir,” he alleged while addressing public meetings at Malhar, Dughaan, Kathua, Kalakote and Marh for the party candidates Prof Saleem Lone, Subash Sharma, Asda Wari Shah and  Th Suram Singh, respectively.
Backing the Central Government’s attempt of checking misuse of developmental funds in J&K by squeezing flow of the same, the former Chief Minister said that the Prime Minister’s decision in this regard was vindication of his allegations that both National Conference and Congress were looting the State exchequer with no accountability. “NC-Congress Coalition Government has remained a bad experience for people of the State, who suffered immensely because of the misrule during the past six years and now people have made up their mind to teach these parties a lesson for their corrupt practices,” he said.
Comparing the present situation with PDP rule for a brief period of three-years when the then BJP-led NDA regime at Centre had extended all out support to his Government despite his party being in coalition with Congress, Mufti Sayeed said that his fight was not against any party or individual but to establish a true and all inclusive democratic set up in the State where each citizen can live with dignity and honour.
“During PDP led regime the successive Central Governments had sanctioned adequate funds for the developmental projects because that regime had earned credibility and legitimacy through its conviction. But see the credentials of Omar Abdullah regime that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced to send funds directly to the victims instead of sanctioning the same to the State Government,” he pointed out.
Mufti claimed that his party could have formed Government in the State even in 2008 but he preferred to give an opportunity to others for a change. “However, they (NC-Congress) proved  to be disaster and now the PDP Government in Jammu and Kashmir is  writing on the wall, which is evident  after completion of four phases of ongoing Assembly elections,” he said.
The former Chief Minister said that it was his dream to strengthen inter-regional relations among different regions and sub-regions of Jammu and Kashmir. “For petty political gains some parties have brazenly propagated divisive agenda to create division among different regions of the State but PDP would work as cementing force to strengthen inter-regional relations in Jammu and Kashmir,” he added.
Mufti Sayeed said that the trust deficit prevailing between different regions and sub-regions of the State was result of the wrong policies and shifting stands of the leaders whom people have been choosing for long. “PDP has a vision for the overall peace and development of the State and if given decisive mandate by the people, we will be able to change the destiny of Jammu and Kashmir,” he said and appealed people to vote for the party candidates to ensure a share of Jammu in the PDP tally for Assembly.
Mufti said PDP will usher in a new era of peace, prosperity and development in the State and will pick up the threads again, from where it left, when it had catalyzed the process of development and progress.