UN extends mandate of mission in Iraq

UNITED NATIONS, July 26: The Security Council has extended the mandate of the UN mission in Iraq for another year and asked all communities there to participate in the country’s political process.
The resolution extended the mandate of the UNAMI, which expires on Saturday, to July 31, 2013.
In a unanimously adopted resolution, the 15-member body encouraged the Iraqi government “to continue strengthening democracy and the rule of law, improving security and public order and combating terrorism and sectarian violence across the country.
The Security Council voiced its support to the people and the government of Iraq in their efforts to build “a secure, stable, federal, united and democratic nation based on the rule of law and respect for human rights.”
The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) is a political mission established by the Council in 2003, at the request of the Iraqi government.
It is mandated to advise and assist in areas like advancing political dialogue and national reconciliation, assisting in the electoral process,  facilitating regional dialogue between Iraq and its neighbours, and promoting the protection of human rights and judicial and legal reform.
The Council welcomed improvements in Iraq’s security situation, while stressing that challenges remain and “that improvements need to be sustained through meaningful political dialogue and national unity.”
The Council also underscored the need for all communities in Iraq to participate in the political process and an inclusive political dialogue, as well as for the communities to refrain from making statements and actions which could aggravate tensions.
In the resolution, Council members noted the importance of addressing humanitarian issues and stressed the need to continue to form a coordinated response to address these issues.
In addition, it called for full unimpeded access by humanitarian personnel to all people in need of assistance.
In the area of human rights, the Council urged the government to continue to promote and protect human rights and also to consider additional steps to support the Independent High Commission for Human Rights in carrying out its mandate.
The Council recognised recent “positive” developments in Iraqi-Kuwait bilateral relations – such as Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s visit to Kuwait and the visit of the Kuwait’s Emir Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad to Baghdad for the League of Arab States summit –
It also called on both states to continue “to act in a spirit that builds further confidence and cooperation, which should contribute to the strengthening of their good-neighbourly relations and enhancing  regional stability.” (PTI)