Of Sacrifice

Capt Purushottam Sharma (Retd.)

Bharat, our Motherland, is Tyagbhoomi, Karambhoomi, Yogabhoomi  and Punyabhoomi in which even Gods and goddesses love to make their abode, truth, sacrifice, just actions, discipline, devotion to duty, fearlessness and meritorious deeds is our ‘dharma.’ Where there is ‘dharma, there is victory for truth alone triumphs (‘sathyam eva jayate’). To protect ‘dharma’ is our duty and the duty demands sacrifice. Always remember and abide the commandment of Arisudana (the  slayer of foes) who demands  us ‘Remember me and fight and fight to finish’ once for all. Duty is God. May our Jawans be victorious (‘asmakamveera uttre bhavantu’). Our brave jawans while seeking the blessings of beloved motherland pray for strong and handsome body, big victory, fame and valour to make the foe to lick the dust.
Lord says in Srimad Bhagwat Geeta that souls is imperishable, everlasting and eternal. Weapons cannot destroy it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot wet it and the wind cannot dry it. The Lord wants us that -“svadharmamapi caveksya na vikampitumarhasi dharmyaddhi yuddhacchreyo’ nyatksatriyasya na vidyate”.
Considering your own duty, you should not shirk from it, for there is nothing more welcome for a soldier (warrior-class) than a righteous war.” (Srimad Bhagwat Geeta 31/II)
“hato va prapsyasi swargam jitva va bhoksyase mahim
tasmaduttistha kaunteya yuddhaya krtaniscayah”
-‘Die, you will win heaven, conquer you will inherit the earth. Therefore, stand up Arjuna, determined to fight.’
“shauryam tejo dhrtidaksyam yuddhe capyapalayanam
danmishvarabhavashch khyatram karma svabhavajam”
-Valour, fearlessness, firmness, resourcefulness, steadiness in battle, generosity and the capacity to command are the natural duties of the warrior class (Jawans.
“manmana bhava madbhakto madyaji mam namaskuru
mamevaisyasi satyam te pratijane priyo’ si me
-‘Concentrate your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, offer your sacrifice to Me, to Me make your obeisance. By doing so, you will come to Me. This is my solemn promise to you , for you are exceptionally dear to Me.
No one has attained his goal without action. Do your  duties with dedication commands Purushottama (The Supreme Being) Lord Kirshna. Loving thoughts and good wishes of more than one hundred  and twenty five crores Indians at home and abroad are with the valiant sons of Bharatmata, born with Divine endowment, who  are engaged in the defence of their sacred motherland, The brave Jawans, through the path of Just Action, are displaying their proficiency and gallantry in the field of their soldiering proving  “Yoga Karmsu Kaushalam.” that is, skillfulness in action (50/2).
Our Jawans are distinguishing themselves in the performance of their duties fearlessly facing the challenges of sub-zero temperature at the glaciers, loftiest summits, the deep ravines, roaring waters, growling forests and treacherous darknesses. Past proves that they had been gaining victory after victory, making the enemy to lick the dust bringing laurels to the Mother India, showing their worth, “Veera Bhogya Vasundhara’ (Men of  valour alone are entitled to enjoy the fruits of honorable living on this beautiful motherland).
‘Upsthaste Anmeeva Aykhyma? Asbhyam Santhu Prithvi Prasuta
Dheerdam Na Aayu Pratibudhyamana, Vyam Tubhyam Valihrita Syam
(Atharv 12, 1, 62)
‘O Motherland’ let us be surrounded by healthy progenies free from diseases, debilities and depressions. Let them be happy. Mother India you bestow on us all kinds of benefactions (feeds, fabrics, fortunes and facilities) and eminence.May your sons live long, May they be possessed with unmatching strength and wisdom. Whenever opportunities demand may your sons be prepared to offer and lay the Supreme sacrifice in your feet.
Let us all unitedly finish the anti national elements.
“Asarv Veershchratu Pranutto Dweshyo Mittranam Parivargya Swanam Ut Prithvya Mavsyanihi Vidyat Uggro Va Deva Pramrinatspatnan
(Ath Ka 9 A Su 2 M 14)
‘O Motherland’ inspired by our military might and firm resolve of the people, may the leader of our country (Bharat) move eveywhere fearlessly. If any enemy tries to threaten our freedom or attempts to intrude in our territory to grab any portion of it, our leader should put to death and eliminate all such forces of the enemy from its own land. May we create such conditions for that enemy as may cause to incur the displeasure of its friendly countries. And even its own people should disapprove and condemn such lowly acts. Equipped with patriotic fervor, may our leader crush the anti national elements with iron hands. Unitedly the people will extend unflinching support to our leader for the sake of peace, prosperity, plenty, integrity, honour, safety and security of Bharat. It is supreme duty of us all and of those who represent the people to lay any sacrifice in the defence of our Motherland. Then and then only, we are entitled to be called your worthy ‘Rashtra Putra.’