Retired people for election duty

I draw the attention of the Government towards the deputation of a large number of government employees for the election duty including counting of votes. For many other functions of the Government may it be Census, different surveys, awareness programmes etc. a large number of employees are deputed to complete the process. During this deputation period the employees remain absent from their offices. Due to the absence of teachers from schools the education of the children is affected. In other departments like revenue and some others directly related with the public, the people at large suffer due to the absence of the concerned employees from the office. Many man days are lost. The Government also spends extra money in the shape of TA/DA and other expenditure as per the entitlement of the employees. There is a large number of retired employees who are fit to perform these duties. The Government must consider  utilising the services of these employees for these extra functions.
The retired employees have sufficient experience of 30 to 35 years which they have gained due to their services in the Government or semi government departments. They can also be available on lesser payments. The Government can also consider their deployment with some of the employees in active service so that minimum n employees are deputed for these extra duties. In this way the government can utilise the experience and energy of these employees, save huge number of man days and also can save the state exchequer to some extent. The retire employees shall also feel that they are still important for the Government.
Yours etc…….
Ekta Vihar Kunjwani