Concerns for Peshawar carnage

Col J P Singh, Retd
Shocking and mind-boggling that seven Taliban Terrorists enter Army Public School Peshawar and kill 132  students and 15 staff members including its Principal on 16 December 2014. And this happened while Pak Army people were conducting First Aid Training lessons for the student’s. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) promptly owned this attack claiming that it was to revenge Pak Army’s  action against their families and children. ‘It is to teach them a lesson they said’. In a similar attack against the children in Russia in 2004, 186 innocent kids were killed ruthlessly by such terrorists. It means that army operations against Taliban in Northern Waziristan had dealt a severe blow to Jihadis in the tribal areas which prompted them to break all their records of barbarism. This tragic incident highlights the growing scourge of extremism prevailing in Pakistan as well as exemplify the continuation of threat that the children like Malala Yousafzai ( Noble Laureate )  face in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. It is mind-boggling because the same could be replicated anywhere else in the sub-continent any time where ever the govts and security forces are hunting the terrorists, firstly, because the schools are the softer targets from where immense shock waves can be spread throughout the country and secondly because the non Madarsa education is considered  anathema to Islamists who see it as Westernization of Islamic society. After the killing of Taliban Chief Hakimullah Mehsud in American drone attack last year, Mullah Fazalullah took control of Taliban. Under him the Taliban has crossed all limits of barbarism. Their criminal activities have violated all the ideological principles of Islamic Laws. They not only shot at but burnt the librarian. The snakes reared in the backyard have come full swing to sting the landlord. The litmus test lies in army’s narrative now. It is the time for the army to revisit its policy towards Taliban.
This horrific event is not a national tragedy of Pakistan only but an ironic tragedy for the humanity. The innocent kids killed are not the children of Peshawar parents and  Pak Soldiers alone but they are the darlings of entire world like Malala who is seen as representative of children of entire globe. Leading the nation at this unprecedented hour of tragedy, Indian Premier Narendra  Modi spoke to Nawaz Sharif and condoled the innocent loss of lives by these emotionally charged words, “Savage attack on innocent children, who are epitome of finest human values in a temple of learning, is not only an attack against Pakistan but against humanity. My heart goes out to every one who lost their loved ones today. India stands firmly with Pakistan in the fight against terror. We are ready to provide all assistance in this hour of grief”. No words will capture the feeling of deep revulsion and horror  the world felt  about this carnage against humanity. India exhibited emotions through  actions. Given the traditional animosity between India and Pakistan, it is encouraging to see that civil societies of both countries have come together at this hour of grief.
The phenomena of Taliban terrorism came to the fore in early 1990s. The majority of Taliban are Pashtuns. Different sub-tribes of Pashtuns obey one single unwritten tribal code called Pasthunwali and live and die paying allegiance to that. Since its inception the Taliban movement has been Pashtun led and Pashtun dominated. Mullah Mohammad Omar, the supreme commander of Taliban is Pashtun from Afghanistan and is said to be in Pakistan. Pashthtunwali does not allow crime against women & children though it permits revenge against the injustice. Pashtuns have been following Pashtunwali till now. Peshawar shift is amazing. Pakistani and Saudi regimes support Taliban financially and logistically. Pak Army’s anti Taliban operations in North Waziristan had so far spared the Haqqani Network leadership which is targeting Afghanistan. Similarly Hafeez Saeed is allowed to plan and perpetrate anti India terrorism openly in public rallies. Pak govt and the army has to take note of these happenings if it has to cleanse its country of terrorism. During Gen Kayani’s tenure as Pak Army Chief, US was opposed for drone attacks in North Waziristan whereas after his retirement Pak Army has started using same drone attacks on TTP hide-outs. The US Govt remained a silent spectator during the Taliban’s march to capture Kabul. Far too long the Pakistani establishment had followed a duplicitous policy of good and bad Taliban. The good were  those who target  India, Afghanistan and US and  the bad were are those who target  Pak establishment. Hunting TTP (bad) in North Waziristan  and promoting LeT and Hafiz Saeed (good)  in the East was duplicitous. That policy has miserably boomeranged. For the West ISIL carnage in Syria is acceptable but not in Iraq. This duplicity is also dangerous.
Learning of the horrific attack, Pak Premier Nawaz Sharif rushed to Peshawar to personally supervise the operations against the militants who have unleashed terror in Pakistan and struck the school. Nawaz Sharif has acknowledged it as a retaliation of Pak Army’s resolute drive against the militants.  Though we are yet to hear equally strong words against terrorism from Pak Army top brass, the fact remains that army has been hit very very hard this time. It will now be difficult for the army to tolerate Taliban nonsense any more.  Moreover  Pak Premier has declared that unless Pakistan is cleansed of terrorism the relentless war against it will not end. Under the circumstances we do see Pak Army using all means fair or foul; conventional or non; in pursuit of their fight  against this barbarism because it effects ego and morale of the troops. This attack must strengthen Islamabad’s resolve to fight terrorism tooth and nail to its logical end. Pak Army Chief Gen Rahil Sharif and ISI Chief rushed to Afghanistan to seek help in hunting down the marauders where they have obtained President Ashraf Ghani’s commitment to fight the terrorism jointly. But Taliban is not an easy walk-over. There are glitches. There are Taliban sympathizers in Pak Army who can sabotage the operations. If the army still succeeds, it may stage a coup and  justifiably take over as the sole saviour. If Taliban succeeds they will capture Pak Nuclear Arsenal and  threaten humanity. Should there be a stalemate, army will suffer similar setbacks. To keep the fight on it will have to take over or else lose its esteem. Future in Pakistan is uncertain. If Pakistan has to protect its children and defend itself from Taliban, it must adopt a comprehensive anti  terrorism policy. Presently Pakistan is in a shock. In a rare show of solidarity all Pakistani political parties have pledged to stand united in continuation of military offensive (Operation ‘Zarb-e-Azb’) till the last terrorist is eliminated from Pakistan. Going a step further Nawaz Sharif declared that not only Pakistan and Afghanistan but the entire region of South Asia should be cleared of terrorism. This is too little too late after the sub-continent has paid a heavy price for other’s sins. They have also resolved to draw no distinction between good and bad Taliban. PTI Chairman Imran Khan said “nation has seen a tragedy which required everyone to forget their differences and unite”. Govt also lifted ban on hanging of terrorism convicts and have instructed the Prisons to execute those who are pending death penalty. Gen Rahil has also sought early execution of convicts. This is a good start. Lets wait for the end.
Over last few months media has gone above board  in articulating the strength and growth of ISIL which fully control Western Iraq & Eastern Syria. The rise and sustenance of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) can be attributed to its highly skilled cadre, support from terrorist groups and steady inflow of recruits from other countries. ISIL plans to capture areas upto Kashmir. Hence Peshawar attack could have the strings attached to ISIL’s roadmap.
Military actions will create more Jihadi. Pakistan may not be able to eliminate Taliban alone. Hence Indian support in their fight against home grown terrorism should be appreciated and accepted. The international coalition might have to once again combine to rid the Sub-Continent from the scourge of terrorism.