Verdict 2014-challenges ahead

Prof. M. K. Bhat
The verdict of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in assembly election 2014 can be termed as courageous and intelligent. It was courageous for the voter preferred ballot over bullet and proved his liking for democracy despite threats from terrorists and boycott call by extremist outfits. The high turnout of voters to cast their votes was a befitting answer to all those who cast aspersions on the faith of Kashmiris in Indian democracy. They also exposed the so called self styled leaders of Hurriyat Conference by negating their boycott call. It is high time that this courageous step of people is duly rewarded through good governance and responsible opposition by their representatives both in government and opposition. These democratically elected representatives may have to make difference from day one.  The decision is intelligent enough in the sense that it gives no party full powers to promulgate only its own agenda as the formation of coalition for running government seems inevitable. There will be a common minimum program of minimum two different political parties and no scope for rhetoric’s from any party.  Whichever two parties may join to form the government, the interests of the people will have to be taken seriously. Better governance becomes possible only through strong opposition so their responsibility in no way is less.
The decision of people of the state more or less points to the change in the status quo. People’s Democratic Party has no doubt emerged as the largest party, three seats ahead of Bharatiya Janta Party but far away from majority. This point to the fact that people no doubt were unhappy with Omar Abdullah government but they were not at the same time too happy with the PDP’s earlier rule. National conference faced anti incumbency, its corruption and misrule proved heavier than its self created threat of the abrogation of article 370 in its election manifesto. Congress came to the fourth position with a decrease in its previous tally. The big winner in the whole race was BJP which for the first time got 25 seats in the state, more than double of its previous tally. It had clearly kept many things aside and talked of only development of people. Its slogan ‘Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas” seems to have gone well with the people. It got the highest percentage of votes cast more than even PDP. Those who talk of polarization on the bases of religion fail to realize that even Muslim candidate got elected on BJP ticket.
Jammu and Kashmir being a sensitive state having borders with Pakistan is vulnerable to outside interference so the new government may have to modernize its police and intelligence network. The importance of strengthening the local administration may increase manifold with the complete disassociation of America from Afganistan and the recent happenings in Pakistan too cannot be ignored. Army cannot be applied for internal peace for too long as onus falls definitely on local police and intelligence. The new government may have to think on the withdrawal of Army from civil areas. It will have to take its stand on the special powers with armed forces. It may have to curtail the chances of militancy for the growth of the state and bring back the misguided youth and their supporters in the mainstream. The administration may have to prove what it stands for rather than making others scapegoat of its failures. It can no longer be a mute spectator to the happenings at the ground level.
The state has three regions with distinct aspirations, totally different from each other and at the same time there are certain common areas of interest to all the people of the state. The verdict also manifests the regional aspirations of people. The indifferent treatment felt by jammuites got manifested by their large support to BJP for it talked of Chief Minister from Jammu region. Kashmir having paid a high price due to militancy wants peace and assured facilities. The devastation unleashed by floods, lack of electricity, and good roads need to be addressed. The comparative backwardness of Ladhak due to its geographical problems too has to be dealt on equal footing. Any new government may have to assuage the regional feelings and needs to adopt a balanced approach.
The common problems of unemployment, unequal development in the three regions, corruption and bad governance are harming people across the state. The big example of bad governance became evident during the floods in the state, when officials were almost invisible. There is a need of accountability in the system. It has to be revamped to make it people friendly. Meritocracy has to be taken into consideration. Performers need to be rewarded.
The new government may have to come out with sound steps to bring back all those who left Kashmir during militancy. It is a bolt on kashmiriyat and its long tradition of brotherhood. Their rehabilitation with dignity is the biggest challenge for any self respecting Chief Minister of the state. It cannot be possible only through monetary measures rather public opinion needs to be created in this regard. It may require certain bold steps too but the government should not desist from such thinking.
There is a need of rehabilitation of people from Pakistan and those inhabiting border areas. These people face the wrath of Pakistan army every day. They need a special attention.
The state may have to develop its own sources rather than being dependent on outside support. In this regard, it may be held that all the three regions are bestowed with scenic beauty best suited to earn from tourism. It will be prudent for the new government to develop tourist spots in all the three regions of the state. It will go a long way in increasing the income and employment of the state. It is an irony that many tourist spots of the state are not as yet exposed to the tourists. A proper marketing needs to be undertaken for such a venture.
It is high time to make people feel difference by helping them to be entrepreneurs rather than to make them to fend for white collar jobs here and there. There is an immense potential for small scale and medium industries based on handicrafts, agro based industries based on local raw material, and big thermal projects. There is need for training people for making things as per the need of the present day customer. Special marketing and skill development programs need to be conducted.
It is expected of the new government to create jobs for a big army of the unemployed youth of the state. The government shall try to apply innovative thinking to make difference at the ground level. It can think of making industrial Parks at various places, it may have to formulate proper policies for the growth of horticulture, sericulture, aquaculture and even agriculture.
At last, it may be held that the people of state expect the new government to perform better at every level rather than to blame others for their bad performance like their predecessors. People want development to overcome their hardships. Development alone can remove regional imbalances, curtail militancy and groom people for better days ahead.
It seems that people want to get rid of those politicians who kept the pot boiling since 1947 on trivial issues for their self interest.
(The author is  Deputy Director (MAIMS) Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Delhi)