Glowing tributes paid to Pt Prem Nath Bhat

Excelsior Correspondent

Ashok Kaul, general secretary BJP & Dr K N Pandita lighting the lamp during Chetna Divas at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Ashok Kaul, general secretary BJP & Dr K N Pandita lighting the lamp during Chetna Divas at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Dec 27: Glowing tributes were paid to Pt. Prem Nath Bhat on his 25th Martyrdom Day here today. The day is being observed as Chetna Divas.
In this connection a grand function was organized at Women College Auditorium here at Gandhi Nagar this afternoon by Pt. Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust  which was presided over by BJP general secretary (Org) Ashok Kaul, while Dr K N Pandita a well known scholar was the chief guest.
On the occasion two martyrs namely Vijay Kumar Phool former District and Sessions Judge and Bansi Lal Bhat and his daughter Rajni Bhat of Nadi Marg who laid down their lives in two separate terrorist attacks in Poonch and Nadi Marg, Anantnag were honoured posthumously.
The citation on Mr Phool was read by former Principle  Session Judge, B L Saraf while the citation of Mr Bhat was read by B L Bhat Katal former Director Horticulture.
The function started with Vande Matram by Sunita Raina followed by the address of Swami Kumar Ji who while reciting some verses from sacred Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta said that the sacrifices of martyrs will not go waste and good days will come soon for the community.
A resolution was also passed on the occasion with a  voice vote. The resolution was moved by the National Spokesman of the Trust, Dr R L Bhat.
It demanded enactment of the Shrines Bill to protect preserve and manage the temples and shrines in the Kashmir Valley through a transparent Shrine Board elected democratically through regular voting by the Hindus of Kashmir
and immediate reconstruction of the sacred temple of Mata Jawalaji, Khrew on the lines of Chraresharif  Shrine at Charar, Budgam and Peer Dustgir Sahib shrine at Khanyar, Shrinagar to restore its pristine glory by the next Jawala Chaturdashi falling on July 30, 2015.
In his address Ashok Kaul assured the gathering that BJP will fully support the passage of Hindu Shrines and Religious Places Bill.
Dr K N Pandita, while expressing grave concern over the increasing Pak terrorism said that Government should crush the terrorists with a heavy hand and defeat the designs of separatists in the Valley to restore the confidence of common man in the authority of law enforcing agencies. He said nothing has changed for displaced Pandits who were forced to leave from the Valley by terrorists in last 25 years.
Shiban Khaibri who was the community speaker on the occasion highlighted various problems of the displaced Pandits leading an exiled life for last 25 years.
He expressed concern that the Government has failed to pass the much talked about Temples and Shrines Bill for protection and management of the Hindu religious places in Kashmir, implementation of PM’s employment package and permanent rehabilitation of the community as per its geo-political aspirations.
Khaibri however complimented the nationalist people of Jammu for always supporting the cause of displaced Pandits. He also expressed concern over the problems being faced by camp inmates of Jagti and other migrant camps.
He said the community has pinned high hopes in Narendra Modi led Government at Centre on the rehabilitation of the displaced Pandits in Valley  keeping their geo-political aspirations into consideration.
The vote of thanks was proposed by the chairman of the Trust, Dr A N Pandita while the programme was compared by P K Raina.