Thousands offer Friday following Milad prayers at Hazratbal

Mir Iqbal

Muslim community members pray as the head priest displays a relic at Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar.—Excelsior/Amin War
Muslim community members pray as the head priest displays a relic at Hazratbal Shrine in Srinagar. —Excelsior/Amin War

Srinagar, Jan 9: Braving harsh winter thousands of devotees from across the Kashmir thronged the Hazratbal Shrine on the Friday following Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) to offer congregational afternoon prayers and have a glimpse of the Holy relic of Prophet (SAW). As part of the celebration special prayers were offered at Hazratbal shrine and devotees were eagerly waiting to have the glimpse of holy relics. Devotees burst into tears after witnessing holy relic. Ulmas addressed huge gathering and threw light on the life of Holy Prophet (SAW) and His teachings and role in spreading messages of peace to the world at different places across Valley. On the occasion, buildings and shrines in the city were decorated with colorful buntings, banners and fancy lights. Special congregational prayers and processions were also held at Janab Sahab Soura, Asar-i-Sharif Shahri Kalashpora, Lal Bazar, Khanqah-i-Maula, Ziarat Hazrat Dastgeer Sahib (RA), Syed Yaqoob Sahab (RA) Sonwar, Khawaja Naqshband Sahab (RA) and Ziarat Makhdoom Sahib (RA). Reports said special prayers were also offered at Masjids and shrines in Anantnag mainly at Jamia Masjid Reshi Sahab, Khiram Sirhama, Kaba Marg, Dooru and Seer Hamda and special prayers were also held in Pinjoora, Shopian, where the preachers urged people to desist from indulging in un-Islamic practices. People also held Milad processions in different parts of the Valley, because of which traffic was diverted on most of the routes in Kashmir.