Army arrests militant, foils infiltration bids

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Jan 11: Army arrested a militant and foiled several infiltration attempts along the Line of Control (LoC) in North Kashmir during past few days as militants are desperate for cross over into Kashmir before heavy snowfall in the mountains.
Army sources said that Army’s 5/5 GR yesterday carried out searches in the forests after reports about infiltration of militants in Tangdhar area near the LoC in district Kupwara. One militant Shoukat Ahmad of South Kashmir district of Shopian was arrested during searches.
Army has recovered huge cache of weapons and ammunition from the arrested militant. These include one AK, two magazines, 67 AK rounds, one Pakistan made pistol with a magazine, one grenade, one pouch and some eatables including dry fruits.
An FIR (03/2015) was lodged against him in the Police Station Karnah in district Kupwara. Sources said that Shoukat had gone for arms training last year to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK). He has been handed over to the police and brought to Joint Interrogation Centre (JIC) Kupwara.
Army sources said that militants are making desperate attempts along the LoC to infiltrate before the heavy snowfall that will close the infiltration routes. “This year there has been less snowfall and militants who are waiting on the launch pads in PoK are making desperate attempts of infiltration”, they added.
They said over the past few days militants made several attempts in TMG sector in Handwara area of Kupwara district but the attempts were foiled by the alert Army troops. “Army has not let its guard down due to winter following reports of infiltration during winter as well”, they added.
Sources said that despite subzero temperatures, army is conducting round the clock patrols in the 5 kilometer belt of the LoC to prevent any infiltration. Army is also conducting searches in the forests in North Kashmir to put pressure on the already infiltrated militants who are hiding in the forests.
It may be mentioned here that last week the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the Army’s 15 Corps, Lt General Subrata Saha said that  around 160-170 highly trained militants are ready to infiltrate into Kashmir from PoK. He, however, said that Army is ready to foil their attempts.
The Army has tightened its vigil along the LoC after Fidayeen attack at Mohra Army camp in Uri in which 11 security forces personnel including a Lt Colonel was killed.