Angry Chinese occupy govt office, smash computers in environment prot


Angry demonstrators occupied a government office in eastern China today, destroying computers and overturning cars in a violent protest against an industrial waste pipeline they said would poison their coastal waters.

The demonstration was the latest in a string of protests sparked by fears of environmental degradation and highlights the social tensions the government in Beijing faces as it approaches a leadership transition this year.

About 1,000 protesters marched through the coastal city of Qidong, about one hour north of Shanghai by car, shouting slogans against the plan pipeline that would empty waste from a paper factory in a nearby town into the sea.

Demonstrators rejected the government’s stand that waste from the factory would not pollute the coastal waters.

“The government says the waste will not pollute the sea, but if that’s true, then why don’t they dump it into Yangtze River?” said Lu Shuai, a 25-year-old protester who works in logistics.

“It is because if they dump it into the river, it will have an impact on people in Shanghai and people in Shanghai will oppose it.”

Several protesters entered the city government’s main building and were seen smashing computers, overturning desks and throwing documents out the windows to loud cheers from the crowd.

Reuters witnessed five cars and one minibus being overturned. Over 1,000 police – some paramilitary – guarded the city government office compound in lines.

At least two police officers were dragged into the crowd at the government office and punched and beaten enough to make them bleed.
