Ignominious defeat of Cong, NC a blessing: Jugal  

Excelsior Correspondent

BJP State president and MP Jugal Kishore Sharma addressing a public meeting at Chingus on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Bhat
BJP State president and MP Jugal Kishore Sharma addressing a public meeting at Chingus on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Bhat

JAMMU, Jan 21: With the advent of Modi’s Government at the Centre and ignominious defeat of NC-Congress coalition in the State Assembly elections, plight of the common man in the State is bound to change for better and improve, said Jugal Kishore Sharma, State BJP President & MP at various largely attended public meetings which he addressed while on  tour of Rajouri district.
He was accompanied by MLA Ab. Ghani Kohli, Senior BJP leader Ch. Talib Hussain, State vice president Vibodh Gupta and Rajiv Tara, Rajinder Gupta, Dheeraj Singh and others.
Sharma addressed public meetings at Narayan, Chingus, Takallar, Dongi, Dhalogra, Bathuni, Muradpur, Palanhar, Thangri and Kagrath during his tour of Rajouri today.
After patiently hearing the grievances of the public and observing their pathetic plight, he said that this strategic remote and mountainous area will receive full attention and every effort will be made to develop it. The lack of road connectivity is a perennial problem which has prevented the people of this region to take full benefit of the modern amenities that are ordinarily available in every nook and corner of the country.
He said that previous Governments have neglected this area due to which it has remained underdeveloped. It had treated this region only as a vote garnering area by using sectarian and communal antics. The area lacks clean tapped drinking water and power.  In the modern times these amenities are considered to be most essential minimum requirements of life.
He assured the public that their sufferings will get ameliorated in coming days.
Ab. Ghani Kohli, while addressing the rallies said that all inclusive agenda of Modi’s Government is going to change the lives of these areas beyond recognition. He further said that chronic scarcity of rations in the ration depots of the Government is going to be a thing of the past and the public no longer would be required to wait for these essentials of life. Ch. Talib Hussain while praising NDA’s government initiative in ensuring that people receive subsidies and other government assistance directly in their  bank accounts, said that it is a revolutionary step and indicates complete sincerity on the part of the Government that subsidies and help should reach the targeted segments of the public and no diversion takes place. The entire approach of the NDA government reveals its total sincerity and concern for the common man.