Airport muddle

In recent months we twice took up the on-going muddle about handing over of 136 kanals and 8 marlas of Satwari defence land to the Airport Authority of India and appealed to the parties not to drag on the handing over of the land so that Jammu airport can be expanded. Expansion of Jammu airport and adding more structures to the existing one is of great urgency. We have been emphasizing that keeping in mind our security concerns in J&K, we are in great need of improving air connectivity so that aircrafts of any size can land and take off from here without any problem. The issue is to be resolved between the defence ministry and the State Government. Army wants compensation for the structures it has raised over the years on the land that is to be exchanged against land at Sunjwan. This should not be made an intractable issue and an amicable solution is possible with each side showing more concern for the objective of this transaction. Total transfer has been delayed for a long time and extension of Jammu airport remains in doldrums. Moreover, in terms of trade and commerce, pilgrim tourism, increased air traffic and human mobility, extension of existing Jammu airport is quite essential. Laying stress on these priorities, the Governor has written to the Defence Minister to look into the matter and expedite transfer of land in full to the Airport Authority of India. We hope the Defence Ministry will help in resolving the muddle without further loss of time.
At the same time the Governor has also taken up with the Defence Minister the matter of expansion of Kargil civilian airport runway from 6000 feet to 7500 feet to facilitate operation of civil flights. Kargil remains snow bound during winter and people face great difficulties of communication and transportation when the Srinagar – Leh road remains blocked. Local people have been making earnest demand for expansion of the runway and increase in flights for commercial reasons. We find good reason in the demand of local people for expansion of the airport at Kargil which should also be taken up without delay.