Bollywood actor wants to portray real Kashmir in upcoming movie

Mir Iqbal

Bollywood actors Faisal Khan, Inayat Sharma and film writer Farooq Ahmad Renzu during a press conference in Srinagar on Monday.     -Excelsior/Amin War
Bollywood actors Faisal Khan, Inayat Sharma and film writer Farooq Ahmad Renzu during a press conference in Srinagar on Monday. -Excelsior/Amin War

SRINAGAR, Feb 9: Bollywood actor Faisal Khan today said that he wants to shun the stereotype which successive film makers have portrayed about Kashmir and show the real Kashmir in his upcoming movie.
The younger brother of veteran actor Amir Khan, Faisal Khan while talking to reporters here said that the story of the film is a love story which tries to portray a real Kashmir unlike the Bollywood films made in the last 20 years.
“Kashmir is an identity of romanticism and culture but the films made in the last 20 years were on violence. I want to change that and want to make a film on culture,” he said.
Khan said he came across the Urdu novel written by a local Farooq Renzu, ‘Jheel Jalti Hai’ which caught his attention to a level that he made up his mind to return to bollywood films after a decade. “I came across the novel and saw the real colours of Kashmir in it, so, I decided to go with it,” he said.
The actor said while shooting for the movie ‘Chinar: Daastaan-E-Ishq’, the unit got a lot of cooperation from the locals and civil administration.
The movie is being directed by Sharique Minhaj, the director of ‘Chand Bujh Gaya’, based on Gujarat’s Godhra incident in 2005.
Film director Minhaj also said that the movie would portray ‘pure Kashmir’ with no connection of militancy that erupted here more than two decades ago.
Inayat Sharma, co-starring Khan said that she was very excited to shoot in Kashmir. “I love the place and its people, as both the place as well as people have impressed me a lot,” she said, adding, the hospitality of Kashmir has added more exposure in her life, which would naturally have positive impact in the movie.
Sharma, who is playing leading actress in her debut film, said she was playing a positive role in the movie that would help for revival of tourism sector here, which suffered huge losses in last year floods.
While speaking on the occasion Farooq Rezu expressed his gratitude to Faisal Khan, Rajesh Jain, Sharik Minhaj and their families for selecting his novel for Bollywood film. “Giving status to my novel to be the first novel of its kind on which mega Bollywood film is being made is the rare honor to any writer or author”, he added.