Noise Pollution during marriage rituals

The marriage season is in full swing these days as the time after ‘Utraayan’ is considered auspicious for the marriage by Hindus.Consequently, there is one function or the other almost in every mohalla or locality.These days marriage functions have become a pompous show of money and wealth.There is also unrestricted use of music system and bandssome insensitive and overenthusiastic revellers openly flout the Supreme Court Order which bans the use of loud speakers and music systems and other instruments causing noise pollution from 10 PM to 6 A.M.One wonders what the local administration and law enforcement agencies are doing when the loud speakeakers being played at full pitch are causing severe discomfiture to the hapless residents living in the vicinity, especially tho senior citizens, patients and students and encroaching on their right to enjoy a peaceful sleep at night away from the noise pollution.The students whose examinations are at hand and who have to prepare for them are the worst sufferers in such a situation.In our extravagant marriages, celebrations begin many days before the actual day of marriage and there are different functions such as Jagrata,Satsang and the revellers are unmindful of the nuisance they create by playing music at full volume till late hours of night.
It is a tragedy that even in the twenty first century we have no consideration for time,compassion for others and realization of others’ feelings and rights.We believe in celebrating every occasion by thrusting noise in others’ears by bursting crackers,beating drums and playing music on every occasion be it the victory in a match, marriage or other functions,even at odd hours at night in utter disregard to the laid down rules and norms. Don’t we have time for celebrations during the day? But we have little regard for the rules and orders and convenience of others.
The local administration, Pollution Control Board and police must rise to the occasion and perform their duties in a responsible manner and violators of the order need to be awarded severe punishment to check such incidents in future as the future of the students and the health of the citizens are involved as noise pollution is more a health hazard than a nuisance. After all why should they suffer because of the impertinance and insensitivity of some irresponsible and crazy elements.

Yours etc…..
Ashok Sharma