Why apple a day

Prof (Dr) R D Gupta
The apple fruit is a highly nutritive food. It is rich source of minerals and vitamins. Apple fruit is a carbohydrate rich food. Its sugar content is about 9.5 per cent. Of this, fruit sugar constitutes about 60 per cent, glucose nearly 25 per cent and cane sugar or sucrose about 15 per cent. The acid content generally increases with sugar content and is mostly dominated by malic acid which is completely used by the body.
The skin of the apple should not be discarded when taken raw as the skin and the flesh below it contains more vitamin C than the inner flesh. The skin also possesses five time more vitamin A than the flesh. However, these days it is apprehended that the apple skin is toxic due to the presence of pesticides and chemicals, which are sprayed to save the fruits from the assaults of various diseases and insects. To save from this contamination, the apple fruit must be washed twice or thrice with cold water and once with warm water.
Anaemia: Apples being rich in Fe, have proved beneficial in the treatment of anaemia. It will be particularly useful in the form of freshly prepared apple juice. It may be taken up to 0.5 kg to 1 KG daily for more beneficial results.
Constipation and diarrhaea: Apples are beneficial in the treatment of both constipation and diarrhaea. For preventing constipation, two medium sized apples should be taken every day for clearing bowels properly, cooked or baked apples are good for controlling diarrohea.
Dysentery: The use of apples has also been found useful in preventing an acute chronic dysentery especially among children. Ripe and sweet apples should be crushed into pulp and given to child a number of times a day from one to four tablespoonful according to age in this order.
Stomach disorder: For upset or disordered stomach, a whole apple is prepared by slicing and pounding it till it becomes slightly mashed. And after sprinking honey or cinnamon should be chewed thoroughly prior tso swallowing. This preparation should be taken several times between meals for more benefits. In all, natural medicinal substance, pectin in the mashed apple serves to create a protective coating action by virtue of its qualities as an absorbant and demulscant.
Headache: Apples can be used in the treatment of all types of headache. A ripe apple after removing its rind, the inner hard portion should be taken with little salt every morning during empty stomach by the patients suffering from headache. This should be continued for a week.
Heart disease: Apples are of special value to the heart patients. It is because apples are found low in sodium content but are rich in K and P. From ancient times, apples are considered a very effective remedy for functional disorders of heart. Recently Dr Elizabeth B Conen of California University (USA) has revealed that people who consume plenty of K through food items are likely to escape from heart trouble. Apples being a good source of K help in alleviation of heart disease.
Hypertension: Apples are considered invaluable in case of higher blood pressure. It is due to its diuretic effect causing, thereby, increased secretion of urine and ultimately bringing the blood pressure to normal.
Kidney stones: Use of apples by the patients suffering from kidney stones has been found useful for their removal. The ripe fresh fruit will be more beneficial in this regard.
Eye disorders: The apple peel water is excellent medicine for the inflamed eyes both as beverage and an eyewash.
Rheumatic afflictions: Apples are found excellent medicines for gout, arthritis and rheumatism especially when these afflictions are caused due to uric acid. Presence of malic acid in apples is believed to neutralize the uric acid and offer relief to the sufferers.
Dry cough: Sweet apples are valuable in dry cough. About 250 g of apple should be taken daily upto a week to get relief.
Dental disorders: Tooth decay can be prevented by regular consumption of apples as they possess mouth cleansing properties. It is because malic acid in apple besides neutralizing uric acid also exerts an antiseptic influence upon the germs present in the mouth and teeth when it is chewed thoroughly.
As apple has cooling effect so its direct consumption may cause gastric trouble. However, its effect can be pacified when its use is made after sprinkling small amount of black pepper powder and black salt (saunchal namak). Prior to consuming the apples, these must be washed thoroughly. It would help in removing the poisoning chemicals (pesticides) which are sparyed to prevent insects and diseases.