Drug menace

Our Police department has been doing laudable job in stopping the menace of drugs from spreading it across the state and from time to time has been successful in nabbing enemies of humanity especially enemies of our youth who indulge in the trade of selling poison for earning notes. It is a matter of satisfaction that apart from its direct action against the drug peddlers, the Police force is actively engaging cross sections of society especially the students on drug awareness and its horrifying results by organizing pro-grammes in schools ,like the one recently held in Akhnoor. More and more of such programmes should be conducted in educational institutions, debates and seminars and quiz competitions should be held so that actual involvement of the potential targeted segments get proper awareness themselves so that they share the same with their friends and relatives. What is the position of most of the youth in our neighbouring state Punjab, the might and valour of India plus top in agriculture, because of drug abuse is well known and we must save our youth in this state , from becoming victims of drug abuse. No let up in the fight against drugs is need of the hour.
Yours etc….
Nikhil Sharma